Title: Sinaia 13 Visiting Peles Castle6
Visiting Pele? Castle
2Pele? Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle in the
Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, in Romania.
This castle was used as a summer residence by the
kings of Romania, built at the wish of the first
Romanian king, Carol I (1866-1914). The
castle was a museum from its first years, opened
when the royal family did not use it, the tickets
sold financing Queens Elisabeta charity works.
After the castle was confiscated by the communist
regime, most of the art collections were
transferred to various art museums.
3 www.flytoromania.com
4The old music room
5Various instrument, wit-nesses of the past of
Queen Elizabeth's musical soirees at the castle
are Carl Bechstein's piano, a violin, a
Raffaello harp (Italian workshop), an orchestrion
(a phonograph with organ pipes) unique in Romania
and very rare around the world
6The music hall was built in 1883, and then (1906)
transformed into the literary sessions hall of
Queen Elizabeth, known under the penname Carmen
7The room is decorated with walnut wood and curly
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11Paintings with allegorical characters from old
German legends signed by a German artist, Dora
Hitz, between 1883 and 1890
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14On the wall the water-color entitled The youngest
born (PUIU) painted by the Queen Elisabeth
15În anul 1884, regina Elisabeta este primita în
rândurile Academiei Române. Emo?ionata ?i
flatata, prima regina a României, recunoscuta pe
plan interna?ional ca poeta Carmen Sylva pentru
opera ei variata ?i sensibila, se prezinta în
fa?a celui mai înalt for de cultura cu textul
alegoriei ,,Puiu. Scriere de mare subtilitate,
în care exprima cele mai aprinse nazuin?e
politice ale ?arii sale de adop?ie într-un limbaj
poetic, încarcat de metafore, ,,Puiu devine
obiectul unei acuarele inspirate, care î?i
gase?te azi locul în Sala veche de muzica a
castelului Pele?. Liliana Manoliu
16Stained glass windows worked in the Zettler
workshops (Münich) depict scenes of the Romanian
fairy tales gathered by the Romanian poet Vasile
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18The old music room
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22On the first floor is the Concert Hall, designed
in 1906
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24Portrait of Queen Elizabeth in the upper part of
the decorative fireplace, painted in 1897 by Jean
Lecomte du Nouÿ (1842-1923)
25Embossed leather wallpaper and walnut wood panels
26Queen Elizabeth and George Enesco
27Embossed leather wallpaper
28Peles concert hall Pascal Taskin Clavecin
29Queen Elizabeth used to organize her musical
evenings in this hall built according to the
architect Karel Liman's plans and decorated in
the style of the English Renais-sance. Talented
musicians from all over Europe concerted here,
such as George Enescu, Dumitru Dinicu, Dall'Orso.
A large Rieger organ with two consoles (control
boards) displaying 1796 metal tubes (pipes) and
28 registers is positioned on the southern wall
of the hall
30The music room
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37The furniture in the Music Room is carved of
teak, a rare and precious wood, and received as a
gift from the Maharajah of Kapurtala (who claimed
descent from the deity Krishna via Raja Gaj who
lost his life fighting the Roman army in
present-day )
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40 It is said that 3 generations of carvers worked
on this furniture, and it took them 100 years to
complete the set. (Clasata în Patrimoniul
Cultural National)
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46Artists like George Enescu, Sarah Bernhardt,
Jacques Thibaud and Vasile Alecsandri visited
often the palace as guests of Queen Elizabeth of
Romania (herself a writer also known under the
pen name of Carmen Sylva)
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48Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Daniela Iacob Internet All
copyrights belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Radu Lupu - Piano Concerto No.1
in D minor, Op.15 - I. Maestoso by Johannes Brahms