Title: Sinaia 12 Visiting Peles Castle5
Visiting Pele? Castle
2Pele? Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle in the
Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, in Romania.
This castle was used as a summer residence by the
kings of Romania, built at the wish of the first
Romanian king, Carol I (1866-1914). The
castle was a museum from its first years, opened
when the royal family did not use it, the tickets
sold financing Queens Elisabeta charity works.
After the castle was confiscated by the communist
regime, most of the art collections were
transferred to various art museums.
3 www.flytoromania.com
4 www.flytoromania.com
5For the time, Pele? had very modern facilities.
The castle was extended to 160 rooms, several
entrances and staircases and since 1883 it
benefited of central heating. Due to its own
power plant, Pele? castle was the first
electrified castle in Europe
The antechamber to King's Office
6The antechamber to King's Office
7The corridor and the door to King's Office
8Biserica Santa Maria della Salute, ?coala
Vene?iana, sec.18, dupa Canaletto
9The antechamber to King's Office
10The door to King's Office
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12The King's Office
13The King's Office, 1883
14The King's Office, 1883
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17Franz Matsch Portrait by Rembrandt in
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
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21Mihai Enescu
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23Decorat cu piese ale atelierelor Heynmann din
Hamburg in stilul neorenasterii germane,
Cabinetul de lucru al Regelui a fost finalizat in
anul 1883
24The King's Office, ceiling
25The King's Office, ceiling
Unpolished ceramic fireplace
26George Peter Healy (18131894) Principele
Carol I
Portrait of queen Elisabeth of Wied with daughter
Maria I
Unpolished ceramic fireplace
27Unpolished ceramic fireplace
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29Vasul jubiliar din argint si pietre semipre?ioase
oferit regelui Carol I la aniversarea de 70 de ani
30The silver and half - jewelry jubilee jar worked
by Paul Telge (Berlin) was offered to King Carol
at his 70th anniversary
31The King's Office
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33The King's Office
34The Royal Library On the table a letter-box
painted by Queen Elisabeth, artist and writer
known under pen-name Carmen Sylva
35In order to make the Pele? Castle a modern
residence, King Carol I introduced hot-water
heaters (1881) and gas radiators, an elevator
(lift) manufactured in 1903 by Wilhelm Brückner's
Viennese company, a telephone station (1885),
power station made by Algemeine Elektricität
Gesellschaft in 1894 and a sewerage system
36The Royal Library
37Stained glasses (Zettler workshops Munich)
feature the castles of the Hohenzollern family in
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39The Royal Library built in 1883 in German
Neo-Renaissance style and decorated in oak wood.
The books are originals covering different
domains such history, art history, architecture,
geography and literature, written in Romanian,
English, French and German languages. The marble
statue depicting the Queen tatting is made in
1910 by Oscar Spaethe
40The Royal Library
41 J. Stanmore
42Oscar Han Regele Carol I al României
The Royal Library hides a secret passageway, a
secret door and a way of access behind a book
shelf, leading to king's private apartments
43 The new room for audiences
44 The new room for audiences
45The new room for audiences is the last room built
before King Carol's death in 1914 and its
decoration is inspired by the Council Room of
Lucerne Town Hall (17th century). The decoration
made of 14 types of wood was commissioned in a
Viennese workshop. The Swiss stained glass
windows are original, dating from 16th and 17th c
46Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Daniela Iacob Internet All
copyrights belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Radu Lupu - The
Piano Concerto No. 1 in C major, Op. 15 (III), by
Ludwig van Beethoven