Title: Sinaia 3 Dimitrie Ghica Park
Morning stroll around the park
2The Dimitrie Ghica Park Sinaia
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4The Dimitrie Ghica Park has been created in the
year of 1881 under the close guidance of the
Swiss landscape architect, Eder. The Park was
founded on the estate of the Prince Dimitrie
Ghica, Romanias Prime Minister between 1868 and
1870 and chief sponsor of the Civil Hospitals in
Bucharest, the creator of the modern town of
Sinaia, together with King Carol I.
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6Hotel Palace Sinaia
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9Sinaia resort is located at an altitude between
798 and 1.055 meters, on the South-Eastern side
of Bucegi Mountains, along Prahova River Valley
10Hotel Palace Sinaia
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Copy of statue Bather by Christophe-Gabriel
Allegrain (French, 17101795), also known as
Venus. The original in marble, exhibited at the
Salon of 1767, now in Louvre museum
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17The alleys inside the park are bordered by
century-old trees, shrubs and coloured rounds of
flowers. Each year, the park becomes the venue
for the Sinaia Forever Festival, concerts and
different types of events.
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30Iron Root (2015) by Ai Weiwei, a cast iron
sculpture of a tree root sprayed in purple car
Lisson Gallery London
31Ai Weiwei is a Chinese contemporary artist The
Iron Root by Ai Weiwei, is a cast iron sculpture
of a tree root sprayed in purple car paint,
closely connected to the trees currently on
display at the Royal Academy of Arts in London
for Ai's retrospective and celebration of the
artist becoming a Royal Academician
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34Hotel Caraiman
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37Caraiman hotel is built in the Romanian classical
style. It is the third hotel built in Sinaia and
is over 120 years old. Situated in a picturesque
area, in the central park of the resort, close to
the Casino and to Sinaia Monastery
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39Rina Cerbul Hotel located at the center of the
resort, at just a short walk away from the train
station and cable car, in front of Dimitrie
Ghica Park
40On the alleys of the park which are near the
Casino, there are busts of great Romanian
41Mihai Eminescu, the Romanians national poet
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43At the far end of the park there is the
impressive building of the Casino. But the Casino
has another function, namely it is the place
where numerous conferences, symposiums and
congresses take place, as well as various special
exhibitions of art or photography
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50Date despre istoria bogata a statiunii sunt
dezvaluite turistilor cu ajutorul unor panouri
informative. Putini stiu, de pilda, faptul ca
Sinaia a fost prima localitate din tara luminata
electric, pe 21 iulie 1890 fiind aprinse primele
becuri electrice de pe bulevard, în parc, în
câteva vile si în hotelul Caraiman Sinaia was
the first town illuminated with electricity in
Romania (1890)
51Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet Copyright All the images belong to
their authors Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound George Enescu - Balada op.44
pentru vioara ?i orchestra