Title: Sinaia 1 Vila Luminis
Vila Lumini?
2George Enescu (18811955) is considered the most
important Romanian musician. He was a composer, a
violinist, a teacher, a pianist and a conductor,
a complex and brilliant artistic personality. He
began playing the violin at the age of 4,
receiving musical guidance from his parents and
from a famous traditional singer, Niculae Chioru.
At the age of 5-6, he had already begun to compose
3Vila a fost construita între anii 1923-1926, de
arhitectul Radu Dudescu, din banii adu?i de
activitatea concertistica a maestrului. Realizata
într-un stil autentic românesc, ?i integrata
armonios în ambian?a inspiratoare a mun?ilor
Bucegi, vila Lumini? avea sa fie atât un loc de
inspira?ie pentru o parte semnificativa a
crea?iei enesciene, cât ?i un loc de recreere,
maestrul locuind aici timp de 20 de ani, între
1926 ?i 1946 The musician build this house, in
1923-1926, with the money he had earned during
his first tour in America the house followed the
plan designed by the musician himself, with the
aid of architect Radu Dudescu and it was named
Vila Luminis (Glade Villa). The following 20
years, until 1946 when he definitively left
Romania, the musician constantly return to
Sinaia, to spend a least one month a year a
time dedicated to composition, between his tours
in Europe and North America
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7At the entrance of the villa there is a marble
bust of George Enescu, made by the Romanian
sculptor Ion Irimescu (1903-2005) who was
fascinated with the personality of the musician
La intrarea în vila se afla bustul în marmura al
lui George Enescu, realizat de sculptorul
moldovean Ion Irimescu (1903-2005), fascinat de
personalitatea acestuia
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10In 1947, Enescu, who was living in Paris, donated
the villa to the Romanian state, to be used as a
place of creation and recreation for artists. In
1995, the villa was opened as George Enescu
Memorial House and since 2007 it has become a
department of George Enescu National Museum
Portret realizat de pictorul Mircea Doinaru
11The town of Sinaia and Luminis Villa held a
special significance for Enescu, who considered
them his places of refuge. Enescu was both
sentimentally and professionally connected to
this town, mainly due to Queen Elisabeth's
support of his musical career. Relatively
isolated among the Bucegi Mountains, Luminis
Villa become his main retreat. The villa is
furnished and decorated with elements from
both Romanian and Asian cultures.
Vila nu a fost construita întamplator la Sinaia,
deoarece Enescu a fost legat atât sentimental cât
si profesional de acest oras, datorita
sprijinului reginei Elisabeta, Castelul Peles
fiind pentru el o poarta de lansare în lumea
culturala muzicala a momentului. Legatura dintre
George Enescu si Casa Regala a României a început
în anul 1898, dupa succesul parizian al opusului
sau nr. 1, Poema Româna, ce se încheia cu Imnul
Regal. El s-a bucurat de sprijinul Reginei
Elisabeta, cunoscuta si sub pseudonimul artistic
Carmen Sylva. Aceasta, recunoscând talentul
tânarului muzician, i-a oferit ani de-a rândul o
camera într-un colt intim al Castelului Peles,
unde sa poata studia. De asemenea, Enescu era
deseori invitat de regina pentru a sustine
recitaluri la Palat.
Being a romantic and classical by instinct, I
strived to keep, in all my works, a kind of
balance that has its inner definite line
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13In the sunny afternoons, the veranda was one of
the favorite resting places of George Enescu.
În dupa-amiezile însorite, terasa era unul
dintre locurile de odihna favorite ale
artistului. Construita în stil Brâncovenesc,
terasa ofera o minunata priveli?te a mun?ilor
Bucegi, vedere spre râul Prahova, calea ferata ?i
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Romanian traditional ceramic
19The upper floor rooms are large and comfortable,
the furniture and the decoration expressing
refinement and inspiration. The Romanian
traditional style, the oriental style and the
Bidermayer style are harmoniously and originally
reunited, in the ornamental elements and in the
pieces of furniture. Many valuable objects in
crystal, china, metal and ceramics bring glamour
to the interiors. Încaperile de la etaj sunt
spatioase si confortabile, având interiorul
mobilat si aranjat cu rafinament si imaginatie.
Aici se reunesc în mod armonios si original
elemente ornamentale si de mobilier în stilurile
românesc, oriental si Biedermayer. Numeroase
piese de valoare din cristal, portelan, metal sau
ceramica dau stralucire interioarelor
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23The sitting room or The Salon is the largest room
of the house. Enescu used give here his exquisite
violin or piano performances for guests or the
familys close friends. The salon is connected to
the dining room by folding doors. When these
doors are fully opened, a large space can be
created to accommodate a bigger number of guests
Încaperile de la etaj sunt spatioase si
confortabile, având interiorul mobilat si aranjat
cu rafinament si imaginatie. Aici se reunesc în
mod armonios si original elemente ornamentale si
de mobilier în stilurile românesc, oriental si
Biedermayer. Numeroase piese de valoare din
cristal, portelan, metal sau ceramica dau
stralucire interioarelor
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27In the living room there is the maestros piano,
an Ibach made in Lausanne, the instrument Enescu
used for composing and playing for close friends
and family. From the living room, a spiral
staircase leads to the Belvedere tour and from
here to the attic or bageaga, as Enescu used to
call it. În salon se pastreaza pianul
maestrului, un Ibach facut la Lausanne,
instrument de care Enescu s-a folosit în
activitatea sa componistica si în concertele
oferite apropiatilor familiei. Din salon, scara
în spirala permite accesul spre capatul turnului
Belvedere si de aici în mansarda sau bageaga
(cum îi spunea Enescu).
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29In the years 1921-1931 Enescu was working on
Oedipus Opera, a monumental dramatic and musical
creation, which only in recent years started to
impose itself on scenes of opera houses in the
world. He dedicated it to Mrs. Tescanu Mary
Rosetti (formerly Cantacuzino), which he will
marry later. This was one of the ladies of honor
of the Queen Mary. George Enescu's great love was
and remained until the last moments of his life,
Maria Cantacuzino. Premiere of the opera Oedipus
took place in Paris on March 13, 1936 and enjoyed
immediate success. Celebra opera Oedip a lui
George Enescu, considerata una dintre cele mai
mari capodopere ale culturii românesti, a fost
finalizata pe 27 aprilie 1931, când dupa o munca
de aproape un deceniu, Enescu termina
orchestratia operei dedicate celei care ulterior
îi va deveni sotie, Maria Tescanu Rosetti (fosta
Cantacuzino). Premiera operei Oedip a avut loc la
Paris pe 13 martie 1936 si s-a bucurat de un
succes imediat
Volumul de partituri al operei Oedip
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31Telefon marca Thompson Huston
32On the leather upholstery of chairs are engraved
the monogram of Grigore Cantacuzino and the
crown Pe tapiseria din piele a scaunelor sunt
gravate monograma lui Grigore Cantacuzino ?i
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35Opt icoane din lemn lucrate în stil lipovenesc
specific secolului al nouasprezecelea
36On the walls there are eight wooden icons made in
Lippovan workshops of the XIX century (Lippovans
are people of Russian ancestry who live in the
villages of the Danube Delta and of the Black Sea
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39Text Internet http//www.georgeenescu.ro/en/ http
s//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LuminiC899 https//www
escu Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu Internet
Copyright All the images belong to their
authors Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound George Enescu - String Octet in C
major, Op. 7 - II. Tres fougueux