Title: 1.2. Data-and-Models-in-Business-Analytics (1)
1Data Models in Business Analytics
by Jitendra Tomar
2Data Models in Business Analytics
by Jitendra Tomar
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4The Rise of Business Analytics
5The Rise of Business Analytics
Increased Data Availability
The exponential growth of data from various
sources has made it possible to analyze vast
amounts of information.
6The Rise of Business Analytics
Increased Data Availability
Advanced Computing Power
The exponential growth of data from various
sources has made it possible to analyze vast
amounts of information.
Modern computing capabilities allow for complex
analysis and processing of large datasets.
7The Rise of Business Analytics
Increased Data Availability
Advanced Computing Power
Growing Business Demand
The exponential growth of data from various
sources has made it possible to analyze vast
amounts of information.
Companies are increasingly relying on data-driven
insights to make informed decisions.
Modern computing capabilities allow for complex
analysis and processing of large datasets.
8Defining Data and Models
9Defining Data and Models
Raw facts and figures that can be processed and
analyzed to extract meaning.
10Defining Data and Models
Raw facts and figures that can be processed and
analyzed to extract meaning.
Mathematical representations of real-world
phenomena that can be used to predict and
optimize outcomes.
11Types of Data Structured vs. Unstructured
12Types of Data Structured vs. Unstructured
Structured Data
Organized in a predefined format, such as tables,
databases, and spreadsheets.
13Types of Data Structured vs. Unstructured
Structured Data
Unstructured Data
Organized in a predefined format, such as tables,
databases, and spreadsheets.
Does not follow a predefined format, including
text documents, images, videos, and audio files.
14Descriptive Analytics
15Descriptive Analytics
Understanding the Past
Provides insights into historical data patterns
and trends.
16Descriptive Analytics
Understanding the Past
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Provides insights into historical data patterns
and trends.
Tracks and measures important metrics to assess
business performance.
17Descriptive Analytics
Understanding the Past
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Provides insights into historical data patterns
and trends.
Tracks and measures important metrics to assess
business performance.
Reporting and Dashboards
Visualizes data in an easily digestible format
for stakeholders.
18Predictive Analytics
19Predictive Analytics
Predicts future outcomes based on historical data
and patterns.
20Predictive Analytics
Risk Assessment
Predicts future outcomes based on historical data
and patterns.
Identifies potential risks and opportunities
based on data analysis.
21Predictive Analytics
Risk Assessment
Predicts future outcomes based on historical data
and patterns.
Identifies potential risks and opportunities
based on data analysis.
Customer Segmentation
Groups customers based on their behavior and
preferences for targeted marketing.
22Prescriptive Analytics
23Prescriptive Analytics
Identifies the best course of action to maximize
desired outcomes.
Recommendation Engines
Provides personalized recommendations based on
user preferences and behavior.
Decision Support Systems
Assists decision-makers by providing data-driven
insights and recommendations.
24Prescriptive Analytics
Identifies the best course of action to maximize
desired outcomes.
Recommendation Engines
Provides personalized recommendations based on
user preferences and behavior.
Decision Support Systems
Assists decision-makers by providing data-driven
insights and recommendations.
25Prescriptive Analytics
Identifies the best course of action to maximize
desired outcomes.
Recommendation Engines
Provides personalized recommendations based on
user preferences and behavior.
Decision Support Systems
Assists decision-makers by providing data-driven
insights and recommendations.
26Prescriptive Analytics
Identifies the best course of action to maximize
desired outcomes.
Recommendation Engines
Provides personalized recommendations based on
user preferences and behavior.
Decision Support Systems
Assists decision-makers by providing data-driven
insights and recommendations.
27Implementing Analytics in Business
28Implementing Analytics in Business
Data Collection
Gathering relevant data from various sources.
29Implementing Analytics in Business
Data Collection
Gathering relevant data from various sources.
Data Cleaning and Preparation
Transforming raw data into a usable format for
30Implementing Analytics in Business
Data Collection
Gathering relevant data from various sources.
Data Cleaning and Preparation
Transforming raw data into a usable format for
Model Building and Validation
Creating and testing models to ensure accuracy
and reliability.
31Implementing Analytics in Business
Data Collection
Gathering relevant data from various sources.
Data Cleaning and Preparation
Transforming raw data into a usable format for
Model Building and Validation
Creating and testing models to ensure accuracy
and reliability.
Deployment and Monitoring
Integrating models into business processes and
tracking their performance.
32The Future of Data Models in Business
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI algorithms will play a more significant role
in automating data analysis and decision-making.
Real-Time Analytics
Businesses will leverage real-time data streams
for instant insights and dynamic responses.
Data Ethics and Privacy
Ethical considerations and data privacy will
become paramount.
33The Future of Data Models in Business
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI algorithms will play a more significant role
in automating data analysis and decision-making.
Real-Time Analytics
Businesses will leverage real-time data streams
for instant insights and dynamic responses.
Data Ethics and Privacy
Ethical considerations and data privacy will
become paramount.
34The Future of Data Models in Business
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI algorithms will play a more significant role
in automating data analysis and decision-making.
Real-Time Analytics
Businesses will leverage real-time data streams
for instant insights and dynamic responses.
Data Ethics and Privacy
Ethical considerations and data privacy will
become paramount.
35The Future of Data Models in Business
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI algorithms will play a more significant role
in automating data analysis and decision-making.
Real-Time Analytics
Businesses will leverage real-time data streams
for instant insights and dynamic responses.
Data Ethics and Privacy
Ethical considerations and data privacy will
become paramount.
36The Future of Data Models in Business
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI algorithms will play a more significant role
in automating data analysis and decision-making.
Real-Time Analytics
Businesses will leverage real-time data streams
for instant insights and dynamic responses.
Data Ethics and Privacy
Ethical considerations and data privacy will
become paramount.
37Thats all folks
38Remain Connected
Jitendra Tomar
- Linkdin - jitendrastomar
- Twitter - _at_jitendrastomar
- Instagram - jitendratomar0408
- Facebook - jitendratomar
- Slideshare slideshare.net/jitendratomar
- Email - jitendratomar_at_hotmail.com
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