Title: Madalina Andronic (Romania) Timeless Shirts
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3Old traditional ensemble from Arge?, Romania
Madalina Andronic (Romanian)
4Rada Radu
5Traditional Romanian Shirt from Dorohoi
6Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Basarabia
Cama?a din Bucovina
7Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Suceava
Cama?a de Olt
8Cama?i nemuritoare / Timeless Shirts is a
two-volume book that celebrates our culture and,
according to Madalina Andronic, is meant to be a
bridge between the past and the present, being at
the same time an ode to the women who keep the
ancestral traditions alive. It all started in
2020 in oktober, with the Instagram challenge,
when Madalina Andronic painted a traditional
Romanian shirt every day, for the whole month of
October. She filmed the painting process daily
and shared it on social media. The challenge
proved very successful and joining forces with
Ioana Corduneanus expertise, the project turned
into a book. The books share stories and details
of the traditional Romanian shirt (ia), which is
part of the national costume. While having a
simple cut, the shirt, made of flax, hemp, cotton
or silk, is embellished with geometrical or
floral motifs that differ from one geographic
area to another. Timeless Shirts features models
from various regions of the country, containing
information in both Romanian and English,
patterns and illustrations. And yes, for the most
creative of us, the illustrations work as
colouring books as well. The launch of Timeless
Shirts coincides with a very fortunate event
UNESCO has included the traditional blouse with
embroidery on the shoulder (alti?a)an element of
cultural identity of Romania and the Republic of
Moldovain its patrimony of the Intangible
Cultural Heritage.
9Cama?a din ?inutul Padurenilor
Cama?a din ?inutul Padurenilor
10Cama?i nemuritoare Timeless Shirts
Madalina Andronic
Traditional Romanian Shirt from Vla?ca
11Romanian traditional shirt from Arad
Cama?a de Harghita, kept at Astra museum,
12Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Arad
Romanian traditional shirt from Bihor
13Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Dobrogea
Romanian traditional shirt Neam?
14Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Neam?
Cama?a de Mehedin?i
15Madalina Andronic - Padureanca
16Madalina Andronic Cama?a din ?inutul Padurenilor
17Madalina Andronic - Traditional shirt from ?ara
Traditional Romanian shirt from Banat
18Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Banat
Traditional Romanian shirt from Arge?
19 Traditional Romanian Shirt from Bra?ov
Traditional Romanian Shirt from
Ca?in, Bacau
20Traditional Romanian Shirt from Maldare?ti, Vâlcea
Traditional Romanian shirt from Carbunari,
21Madalina Andronic - Traditional Romanian Shirts
Shirt discovered in Târgovi?te
Shirt from Olt Shirt
from ?inutul Padurenilor
22Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Vrancea
Romanian traditional shirt from Bucovina
23Traditional Romanian Shirt from Cluj,
Traditional Romanian shirt from Sibiu
kept at ASTRA Museum, Sibiu
24Traditional Romanian Shirt from Banat
Traditional Romanian shirt from Valea
25Traditional Romanian Shirt from Muscel
Traditional Romanian shirt from Plopi?, Salaj
26Traditional Romanian Shirt from Sali?te,
Traditional Romanian shirt from Teleorman
kept at ASTRA Museum, Sibiu
27Romanian shirt from Turda, kept at ASTRA Museum,
Madalina Andronic - Cama?a de Bucovina cu
28Traditional Romanian Shirt from Bra?ov, Poiana
Marului, kept at ASTRA Museum, Sibiu
Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Bucovina
29Madalina Andronic - Traditional Romanian Shirts
Shirt from Dobrogea
Shirt from Iara, Cluj,
Shirt from ?ara Oa?ului
kept at ASTRA Museum, Sibiu
30Cama?i nemuritoare Timeless Shirts
Madalina Andronic
31Romanian traditional shirt from Lunca Cernei
Madalina Andronic - Cama?a de Teleorman
32Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Baragan
Traditional Romanian Shirt from Cernau?i
33Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Gorj
Romanian traditional shirt from Valea Bistrei
34Madalina Andronic - Traditional shirt from
Traditional Romanian shirt from Muscel
35Traditional Romanian Shirt from Vla?ca
Traditional Romanian Shirt from Craiova
36Madalina Andronic Cama?a de Sibiu
37Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Arges
Romanian traditional shirt from Vâlcea
38Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Apuseni
Romanian traditional shirt from Valea Agrijului
39Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Banat
Romanian traditional shirt from Bicazu Ardelean
40Madalina Andronic - Romanian traditional shirt
from Banat
Romanian traditional shirt from Maramure?
41Romanian traditional shirt from Mehedin?i
Romanian traditional shirt from Fagara?
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43Madalina Andronic Angel
44Text Pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Aura Urziceanu - Dor de via?a