Title: Portugal Blue Praia da Rocha
Praia da Rocha (Portimão)
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3Rua Dom Pedro V
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Praia da Rocha
The Algarve is the beautiful southern coastline
of Portugal. It was here that, in the 15th
century, the Portuguese set off on the epic
journey that led them to discover other peoples
and cultures
6 Praia da Rocha is a large and hectic summer
resort, that crams in visitors during the summer
season. There is a massive beach, which on
following the coastline changes into little coves
hidden behind giant sandstone cliffs
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8Praia da Rocha is the beach front town for the
much larger residential city of Portimão, 2km to
the north
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15Hotel Luar
16Hotel Luar
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26Praia da Rocha ("Rock Beach") is a beach and
built up area on the Atlantic Ocean in the
southern section of the concelho of Portimão,
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34Praia da Rocha is well-known for the bizarre and
dramatic limestone rock formations that stand
along the water. In some places, the cliffs are
sheer and drop straight down to the beach, but in
others, erosion has left fanciful shapes likened
to castles or pyramids
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47Praia da Rocha has one of the Algarve's best
beaches, backed by ochre-red cliffs and the small
16th-century Fortaleza da Santa Catarina
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Gabriela Cristescu Sanda
Foisoreanu All copyrights belong to their
respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Dulce Pontes - Cancao do Mar
Dulce Pontes y Andrea Bocelli - O Mare E Tu