Title: George Barbier 2 (French, 1882-1932)
1George Barbier
2 George
French illustrators of the early 20th century
Born in Nantes, France on October 10, 1882,
Barbier was 29 years old when he mounted his
first exhibition in 1911 and was subsequently
swept to the forefront of his profession with
commissions to design theatre and ballet
costumes, to illustrate books, and to produce
haute couture fashion illustrations.
For the next 20 years Barbier led a group from
the Ecole des Beaux Arts who were nicknamed by
Vogue Magazine as "The Knights of the Bracelet" -
a tribute to their fashionable and flamboyant
mannerisms and style of dress. Included in this
elite circle were Bernard Boutet de Monvel,
Pierre Brissaud, Paul Iribe, Georges Lepape and
Charles Martin. During his career Barbier also
turned his hand to jewellery, glass and wallpaper
design, wrote essays and many articles for the
prestigious Gazette du Bon Ton. In the mid 1920's
he worked with Erte to design sets and costumes
for the Folies Bergere and in 1929 he wrote the
introduction for Erte's acclaimed exhibition and
achieved mainstream popularity through his
regular appearances in L'Illustation magazine.
Sadly Barbier passed away in 1932 at the very
pinnacle of his success.
George Barbier (1882 - 1932)
Barbier began his career as a costume and set
designer for the Ballets Russes, where he became
inspired by the poetic movements of the
celebrated Russian dancer Vaslav Nijinsky.
Designs on the Dances of Vaslav Nijinsky is
Barbier's first illustrated book and one of the
first lavishly produced editions de luxe that
became so popular in France and London during the
1910's and 1920's. Appearing in 1913, this was
the first book of its kind illustrated by Barbier
which is really an album of drawings of the God
of Dance Vaslav Nijinsky' principal ballet dancer
with the Ballets Russes, pictured in his various
roles with Diagileff's ballet in Paris.
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23Text Pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Anna Netrebko - Massenet Manon