Title: Gabriel Bonmati and his imaginary world
1Gabriel Bonmati
2Gabriel Bonmati
The artwork of Gabriel Bonmati (1928-2005) is a
mixture of choice ingredients inspired by his
travels around the world. It all started in
Morocco in 1928, when he was born into a
French/Spanish household. He began his studies in
French which eventually led him to the Paris
School of Fine Arts. From 1952-1965 he taught at
a girls' high school in Casablanca. At that time,
he was also painting and began to exhibit his
work in 1965. The same year he was appointed head
of the Educational Documentation Center at the
Nice Academy by the French ministry of Education.
Although he had a successful career, he continued
to paint and exhibit in Menton, Monte Carlo and
Nice. Like much of the world, he attended Expo
'67 in Montreal and fell in love with the Quebec
Landscape. He exhibited some of his work in
Montreal and then worked his way to the United
States. Meanwhile in France, curators were
exhibiting his paintings with the likes of
Salvador Dali and Marc Chagall. He holds his own
next to these masters with his unique color
palette and his ability to understand and
recreate the world around him.
3Du fond de la nuit
4Du temps ou les infantes
5Et le silence prend des parfums d'orange
6Et n'être plus qu'un instant
7Et s'estompent les heures anciennes
Juste pour rêver
8Et s'il lui plait
9Et jour soupire
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12Hier demain rose et noir
13Il est encore temps d'aimer
14Juste avant le jour
Il était une fois une rose
15Images dhier
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17La ou poussent les murmures
18Le gout d'un été
19Les jours sont des joyaux
20Lhorizon tire a lui un peu de ciel
21Loin encor plus loin
22Même serait-elle une ombre de demain
23Ne plus vouloir qu'aimer
24Sortant de la mémoire du temps
25Ne sont ni de ce temps
26Même les rêves sont en péril
27Ou nul ne passe quelle
28Telle l'image égarée du temps
29Pour faire aimer ceux qui passent
30Quand les miroirs se mettent a rêver
31Quelque part il y a un rêve
Quelqu'un ici a aimé
32Quelque part, un peu de ciel
33Sil n'y avait que le silence des soleils éteints
34Tandis que s'égrène le temps
35Telle l'image du jour
36Tout ce que femme veut
37Une fleur, un coin de ciel
38Venus du fond de l'ete
39Text and pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Lara Fabian - J'y crois encore
Je suis mon coeur