Title: Deciding Between Dental Bridge and Implant: Your Best Choice
1Choosing Between Dental Bridge and Dental
Implant What's Right for You?
2Deciding between a dental bridge and a dental
implant can be challenging as both options offer
unique benefits for replacing missing teeth
3About Dental Bridges
A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic that
replaces missing teeth, using crowns on adjacent
teeth to support a false tooth or teeth in
What's a Dental Implant?
A dental implant uses a titanium post surgically
placed into the jawbone, where it fuses to
support a crown, creating a natural-looking tooth
4Dental Bridge vs Implant Similarities and
Both dental implants and bridges replace missing
teeth, but implants stand independently and
preserve bone structure, while bridges depend on
nearby teeth for support.
Choosing the Right Option
Dental bridges work well for patients needing
crowns on nearby teeth and are cost-effective,
while dental implants provide a natural
alternative that preserves bone health.
5Restore your smile with expert care at our dental
clinic in Mississauga by scheduling your
consultation for dental implants or bridges
personalized to your needs.
6Reach Us At
Schellenberg Dental
2979 Unity Gate Unit 4, Mississauga, Ontario L5L
(905) 569-8978