Title: Dreamtime 1 The Dreaming of the Aboriginal times
1Australian Aboriginal Art
2The Dreamtime for Aboriginal people is the time
which the earth received its present form and in
which the patterns and cycles of life begun.
Sometimes creating their surroundings and
sometimes changing into animals or people, the
Dreamtime reflected the events and characters of
daily life in the Australian desert.
The expression dreamtime is often used to refer
to the time before time, or the time of the
creation of all things, while Dreaming is
often used to refer to an individual's or group's
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5The didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by
Indigenous Australians of northern Australia at
least 1,500 years ago and is still in widespread
usage today both in Australia and around the
world. It is sometimes described as a natural
wooden trumpet or "drone pipe".
6The Australian Aboriginal flag represents
Indigenous Australians. It is one of the official
Flags of Australia, and holds special legal and
political status but it is not the Australian
National Flag.
7The flag was designed in 1971 by Aboriginal
artist Harold Thomas
8The symbolic meaning of the flag colors (as
stated by Mr. Harold Thomas) are Black
Represents the Aboriginal people of Australia
Red Represents the red earth, the red ochre and
a spiritual relation to the land Yellow
Represents the Sun, the giver of life and
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10Australia Aborigines created stories to teach
each other about the Dreamtime, these stories
taught about life, including birth, love, food
gathering, hunting, warfare, marriage and death
but also about the Creation.
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14The Aboriginal traditional way to educate about
the Aboriginal History, Culture and Laws was
storytelling, using a combination of Arts form
such as painting, singing, music and dancing to
illustrate the ancient "Dreamtime Stories".
15Traditionally, people telling a story would use
the haunting sound of the didgeridoo with song
and dances, but also symbolic drawing were
16These designs were traditionally used as body
paint decorations for corroborees and as sand
paintings for ceremonial purposes
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19Because the "Stories of the Dreaming" have been
handed down through the generations, they are not
owned by individuals. They belong to a group, the
storyteller is choose by the Elders, and have the
obligation to pass the stories along, ensuring
that young people build and retain a sense of who
they are.
20Today paintings are created using modern-day
materials, but the use of traditional symbols and
art styles helps to keep this ancient culture
alive. The symbols used in contemporary
Aboriginal paintings are the same as those found
on cave paintings and rock Art
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23Pictures text Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound David Hudson Emu chase
David Hudson - Black Mountain