Title: "Hop and Count" Math's Book Step-0 for Kids
1(No Transcript)
2Number i is bi and tall,
Stand him up, so he won't fall.
Count and Tell
One Sun
One Moon
Numb or-50 n
3Trace and wrxte the number.
Tick (Y) the boxes of groups that show one
, - ------ - 9 --'3 - 2 - - E ,
4Nvmber z goes backwards and along,
Please mele swe, you 6ont go wzong.
Count and Tell
Two Birds
Two Goats
Numbers 1-50i9 v
5Trace and write the number.
TicX II)
the boxe4 of groups that 4how two ohjects.
. ,.
One for you and one for me.
Count and Tell
Three Friends
Three Kite5
Numb o-50,.u
7Trace and wNLe the number.
TicV íX the boxes of 9roups that show three
8Nvmber J goe4 doon ana across,
Czlve him a stick, aad he's the boss.
Court and Tell
Four Apples
Four Rabbits
Numbers 1-50 sub-v
9Trace and wriLe the number.
Tick I Y) the boxes of 9roups that show four
objects. z n Tnx
10Namber s is a fanny chap,
Downfat tvmmy, anò a little hat.
Count and Telì
Five Trees
Five Camels
11r - --
TicV íX1 the boxes of 9roups that show five
12Namber ó looks like a corl in hair,
Twiddle it aroand to show it's there.
Coutlt and Tell
Six Guavas
Six Books
13Trace and wite the number.
Tick I'") the boxes of 9roupsthat 4how six
, - - -- -- - - - 9 - - 3 - - fi - - - Î ,
14Nomber 7 starts with a hat,
Then goes down, ?ust like that.
Count and Tell
Seven Balls
Seven Gins
15Trace and write the number.
Tick f) the boxes of group5 that Show seven
II '..i '4 I, J(y t
p S' Y
16Nvmber 8 makes an 'S 7hen goes up to join it
Count and Tell
Eight Kites
Eight Birds
17Trace and write the number.
, -\,
Tick f) the boxes of groups that Show eight
Count and Tell
Nvmber g like a ball on a sticE, Start with a
C. go up and down quick.
Nine Butterflies
Nine Flowers
19Trace and write the number.
20Number xo 4hat's a lot of fun, Write x and a
Knot, and it's done!
Count and Tell
Ten Flies
Ten Pencils a
21Trace and write the numher.
Yick (J) the boxes of groups th6t Show ten
OS,O ñ, 4, Pj C.', '
m- _at_ 4t
.. tg U/
22Know the Namber
1o and 1 iilore makes 11 Circle the number 11
1 11 S 7
0 11 1 8
Inow the Number
Circ1e the number 12
0 9 12 6
12 1 11 S
11 9 12 6
23Enow the Namber .' ' 10and3noemaes1 Circle
the number 13
0 12 S 13
5 13 6 11
8 11 13 1
Inow the Number
Jo and 4 more mahes 14 Circle the number 14
J 1 4 8 11
12 16 14 10
13 11 14 12
241o and 5 iiiore makes 1s Circle the number 15
11 13 IS 14
12 15 13 11
10 11 12 15
Inow the Number
lo and 0 more mahes 16 Circle the number 16
16 11 12 1I
11 16 10 12
10 13 12 IS
25Know the Namber .' -
1o and 7 iiiore makes 17 Circle the number 17
17 12 11 16
12 14 17 10
10 17 11 14
Inow the Number
lo and 6 more mahes 16 Circle the number 18 J 2
17 11 18 IS 18 13 12 13 10 18 11
26l0and9noemaK g Circle the number 19
J 9 12 IS 1t
17 11 19 11
13 19 12 17
Know the Number
10 and 10 more makes 20 Circle the number 20 y 20
19 17 16 12 14 20 J S 11 20 12 15
27Trace anò write the numbers zz to so.
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31Trace anò vrite the numbers óz to so.
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33ShowThal You Kaow
Join the dots from 1 to 50. Colour your
picture. 20
34Shov Thal You KtioH
How many fish in all? Count and wrìte.
35(No Transcript)
36ShowThat You Kxox
Complete the numbers on the bogies in each train.
37Yummy Treat There is a number hidden behind each
food. Write that nuxnber against its picture
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