Title: Reduce Tension and Stiffness with ScolioNeck Traction Collar
Reduce Tension and Stiffness with ScolioNeck
Traction Collar
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2About Us
ScolioNeck Traction Collar
ScolioNeck is a cervical traction collar that is
designed to help alleviate neck pain and improve
the alignment of the vertebral discs. It works by
gently stretching the neck muscles and providing
traction to the spine, using an innovative air
compression system to relieve pressure on the
discs and improve their alignment.
A vision needs to be explain further and in
detail because it is one of main point about
your future projection and your best goal. The
company perspective can be seen on this session.
Neck Positioning Control
Take charge of your neck's position and
effectively support the weight of your head for
improved posture and comfort.
Experience the power of upward pull, which opens
up the space between vertebral discs, promoting
proper alignment and relieving pressure.
4Best Neck Pain Traction Device
Neck Pain Relief
Experience the power of the ScolioNeck, a
revolutionary device designed to restore your
optimal vertebral arch and alleviate neck pain.
Through a combination of Fixed Point Traction and
air pressure traction, this innovative product
brings you the ultimate solution for neck
5Thank You
With the ScolioNeck Traction Collar, you can take
proactive steps to relieve discomfort, improve
posture, and enhance your overall spinal health.
The ScolioNeck truly prioritizes your well-being
and provides a personalized experience.
(65) 8907 8900
Tong Building, 302 Orchard Road 10-02, Singapore