Title: Andrei Pandea ceramics 1 (Romanian, 1988)
1Andrei Pandea
2The Innocents Choir, a project that has been
conceived with lots of love, patience, 7 months
of work and 80. 5000 miniature ceramic busts
form the Innocents' Choir, among which two
hundred blue ones underline the message and the
goal of the project making everyone aware that
among us there are people who need our help and
attention. The Innocents' Choir has been brought
to life to support organizations which deal with
children with special needs. The exhibition aims
at directing the viewers' attention towards the
cause supported by each of these organizations. A
sum of 25,000 has been collected throughout the
six exhibitions that have been organized so far.
The Innocents' Choir is a way of showing to the
world that helping others is still possible, that
the human spirit is still alive among us. "The
exhibition organized by Andrei Pandea contains a
bundle of emotions, experiences and challenges
for the contemporary audience in a cultural
approach which unites the fine art, the
selflessness and the human spirit. ... The
Innocents' Choir is a silent speech by fine
characters that discover themselves through their
own existence and make them noticeable to the
outer world through their brittleness of the
human expression in all aspects. ... The
project invites you to take a closer look to the
world around, to understand it, to accept it with
its all its flows and it finally makes you love
it with everything it offers you at the same
time it is an invitation to involvement because
through us things can be changed for them, the
children with disabilities. (Vasile Duda- Art
Historian) http//andreipandea.ro/proiecte.html
3Corul Inocen?ilor este format din 5000 de chipuri
miniaturale din ceramica, între acestea se
remarca cele 200 albastre care subliniaza mesajul
?i scopul proiectului printre noi exista
persoane care au nevoie de sprijinul ?i aten?ia
noastra. Corul inocen?ilor a venit
?i vine în sprijinul funda?iilor care au în grija
copii cu nevoi speciale. Expunerea lucrarii
atrage aten?ia publicului asupra cauzei sus?inute
de fiecare funda?ie în parte. In cele 6 expozi?ii
organizate pâna în acest moment, sumele donate
catre funda?ii au depa?it 25000 . Corul
inocen?ilor este o modalitate de a arata lumii ca
ÎNCA se mai poate, ca spiritul civic ÎNCA mai
exista printre noi. "Expozitia organizata de
Andrei Pandea cuprinde un manunchi de sentimente,
trairi si provocari pentru publicul contemporan
într-un demers cultural care pune împreuna arta
plastica, altruismul ?i spiritul civic. ...
Corul inocentilor este o rostire muta a
fiintelor de bun simt care se descopera prin ele
însele si se remarca în exterior prin
fragilitatea atotcuprinzatoare a expresiei
umane.... Proiectul te invita sa privesti lumea
de aproape ca sa o întelegi, sa o accepti cu
defectele ei si sa ajungi sa o iubesti cu tot ce
ofera ea, dar este deopotriva si o invitatie la
implicare, pentru ca prin noi se poate schimba
ceva pentru EI, copiii cu dizabilitati" (Vasile
Duda- Istoric de arta) http//andreipandea.ro/pro
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16Andrei Pandea ceramics
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18Ceramica Pandea s-a dezvoltat în momentul
ini?ierii proiectului Corul Inocen?ilor. Toate
lucrarile sunt realizate în stil propriu, manual
?i nu în ultimul rând, fiecare lucrare este un
unicat. Se ?tie ca ceramica este conceputa din
pamânt, apa ?i foc. CERAMICA PANDEA are nevoie de
ceva mai mult...are nevoie de suflet
Pandea ceramic developed when the Innocent Choir
project was initiated. The works created by
Pandea have their own style, are handmade and
each piece is unique. It is a known fact that
ceramic is made of earth, water and fire. Pandea
ceramic needs a bit more than that it needs heart
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20Ceramic Bucket wine and champagne
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36Ceramic Bucket wine and champagne
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70Text and pictures Internet http//andreipandea.ro
/index.html All copyrights belong to
their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Ramon Tavernier Catalin Tîrcolea
- Nu-ncerca sa te min?i