Title: What’s New In TallyPrime Release 5.1?
1TallyPrime Release 5.1 - Streamlining Business
TallyPrime Release 5.1 is a comprehensive update
designed to simplify business management with a
host of new features and improvements.
Antraweb Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
2Enhanced ST Management
Simplified Conflict Resolution Easily identify,
resolve and track discrepancies related to GST in
Masters and Transactions.
Consolidated STR-f Export Export GSTR-1 returns
for multiple periods into a single Excel file.
Bulk Transaction Conversion Quickly convert
rejected transactions from B2B to B2C in bulk.
3Flexible Voucher Numbering and HSNZSAC
Voucher Numbering Keep the current voucher
numbering method or apply it to specific voucher
HSNZSAC Summary Configurations Set up the HSN/SAC
summary for all sections or exclude B2C sections.
HSN Length for Stock Items Configure the desired
length for HSN codes of stock items.
4Simplified E-Way Bill Management
Automatic Distance Calculation TallyPrime
automatically fills the distance of origin and
destination pin codes.
enerate E-Way Bills for Material In and Out
Vouchers Generate E-Way bills for Material In and
Out vouchers, helpful for tracking shipments.
Accurate E-Way Bill eneration for Export
Invoices Generate E-Way Bills and e-Invoices by
selecting a valid Indian state and port pin code.
5Payroll Compliance Enhancements
New Tax Regime in Payroll ITeTDS.txt
file Provident Fund (PF) contributions are now
excluded from the export for employees under the
New Tax Regime.
Exclusion of Deductions in the New Tax
Regime Professional Tax and Chapter VI - A
deductions are no longer part of the export.
Updated FVU Tool Integration Export expected
values for Salary Details (SD) and Standard
Deduction directly into the payroll ITeTDS.txt
6Localized Support for lobal Users
Arabic Display Language The Display Language
option for Arabic is now simply shown as Arabic.
Amount in Words in Arabic The amount in words on
vouchers will be displayed and printed in Arabic
when the language is set to Arabic.
7Additional Enhancements
Improved Stock Item Description Stock item
descriptions are now displayed in a single line,
improving readability in invoices.
Voucher Mismatch Issue Resolved Vouchers are now
recorded correctly without any change in status.
Accurate ST Calculation GST is now correctly
calculated for Service Ledgers.
Bank Charges ST Exception Resolved GST errors in
GSTR-2A, GSTR-2B, and GSTR-3B due to incorrect
bank ledger registration type are fixed.
8Better ST Compliance
Report Missing Invoices
Clim ITC
3 Bsed on Erliest Occurrence Report missing
invoices or claim ITC based on whichever occurs
first November of the following financial year,
20 months from the start of the current year, or
filing of annual returns.
9Flexibility in Adjusting Advance Receipts and
No Time Restrictions
Adjustments for Advnce Receipts nd Pyments
Improved Flexibility
Adjustments for advance receipts and payments are
no longer limited to 18 months.
10Conclusion Empowering Businesses with TallyPrime
TallyPrime Release 5.1 offers practical solutions
that cater to business needs. To get the most out
of TallyPrime Release 5.1, its important to have
the right support and guidance.
11Know More
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- Whats New In TallyPrime Release 5.1?
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