Ethical hacking course in Kerala | Kochi | Blitz Academy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ethical hacking course in Kerala | Kochi | Blitz Academy


Join our highly rated ethical hacking course in Kerala at Blitz Academy and gain the skills and certification needed to protect against cyber attacks. Enroll now! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Date added: 5 November 2024
Updated: 19 December 2024
Slides: 14
Provided by: harisblitz


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ethical hacking course in Kerala | Kochi | Blitz Academy

A Certified EthicaI H acker is a specialist typica Ily working in a red team emir onme nt,
focused on attacking compuiter systems and ga ining access to networks, a pplícatíons,
data bases, and other critical data on secu red systems. A CE H u ndersta nds attack
strategies, the uise of creative attac k vectors, a nd mimics the skiIIs and creativity of
maIícious hackers. Un Iike maIicious hackers a nd actors, Certified Ethical Hackers
o pe rate wit h per m ission f ro m t he system ow ners and ta ke a II p rec au ti ons to en sure
the outcomes rema in confidential. Bug bounty researchers a re expert ethical hackers
w ho use t he í r attack skil Is to uncover vu Inerab iIitï es í n t he systems.
The Cert if ied Eth ieal Hac ker (CEH ) cre d ent ial is t h e m ost t ru ste d et hica I hac ki ng
certif ination a nd accom plishme nt recommended by employers globalIy. It is the most
desired inform ation security certification and represents one of the fastest-growi ng
cyber cre dentials required by cr iticaI inf rastructure a nd esse ntíaI service providers.
Since the int roduction of C EH in 2003, ït is recognized as a sta nda rd within the
infor mation secu rity comrriunity. CE H v11 co nt i n u es to int rod uce t he Iat est hacki ng
techniquies and the most a dva need hacking tools and ex ploits used by hackers a nd
information secu rity profession aIs today. The Five Phases of EthicaI Hacking a nd the
o r ig i na I co re m ission of CE H re m ai n va Iid an d re Ievant tod ay To beat a h ac ke r, you
n eed to t hink Ií ke a h acke r."
CEH pr codes an \n dep th u nderstan ding of eth
\ca T hack ng phases, n no us aback Tors
andprntatw corntermeasorm. TI wi T! tea ch _at_u
how hackers T \nk and act mad \c ious!y so ChaI
you w\T T be better posiIroned to set up your
secure \nI rastr ucture and de Men d 7u tire a t4
Understan ding system weaknesses and zu T n
erab\T des h e!p organ \zatians streng then thenr
system secur\ ty can trags to m \n\m i ze the
risk of an
CEH was bu \TI to inearparaIe a Cands an ence
ron m ent and systematic process across try elf
\ca T h ack\ng dam ain and m e I hodoTogy g itsng
_at_ u th e op portuni to wo rk Iowards pramng the
regu ired know!edge and skiT!s n eed ed to
perform the g ob of an e I h\caT h acker. You w\T
T be
exposed to an end re!y drfferenI posture towards
the respons\b\T Hies and me asores reg u \ red
to be secore.
T n \ ts 1g th versi an 0 EH con tenres Ä ev o
re w\ th the Ta test opera t\ ng asterns tools,
tactics, egtpTo\ ts and techno!og \W. Here are
some c ri t\caT
upda tes of CEH vT
When compared to W T i Li n u, Parrot Ecu r\ ty
OF oFers beher performance on Ter-powered laptops
and macho nes wh \!e aIronganin tu\ to
Took and feel wCh a larger repost top of genera
T ta! s.
CEH vgg \s m apped rigorousky to \ m par In 1 5
pecka T ty Areas und er the NTW7N T CE I
ramarks Protect and Defend APR) gob role catego
CEH vT cv re u pdated 0!oud and Iof moduYes to
\ncorpar a te 05 P's In la iner TechnoTogoes
te.g Docker hu bernetee) blood km put\ ng
th reats, and a nu m ber a 7 Iof hacking Robs
ep. 5h\ kra, Bus P\ raie, Fa cedaneed, and
more). Oh \s \s c ri t\caT as the world mv rds
As the c!ord \ndustr y is est\ m aRd to reach PM
bi T!hon FOR, the bus\ nesses strugg!e to ! \ m
C th e 7r equen/ of dala theft inc\den W d we to
m \sconfig ered ego u d ence ronmen W Canma to
Apr\T 2O2O a!one saw a FOR sp ibe \n c!ord based
a ttacW Learn how to amood Aden t\ g, and
respond to cloud-ba sed attaed w\ th CEH vg1.
Ma rket repo rts anI let pate I ha I t he worl dw!de I oT con nected dev!ces a re expected to rea ch h3 bid Tim Dy 2023. To
s upp or r z h is rap1d ex pa nsion, rh e p ro m !nent p I aye rs oT t he ! n te r n ez , ! ncl ud i ng mm a zon We b be r v1 c es, Goog le, ! BM,
MIc rosofi, a re sw tfi Ty sh tfi I n g to p rt va te c T o u d se rat ces, creaIt ng comp T extIt es In T oT ecu systems. Lea r n yo d ea T wt I h
ToT based atI a cks wit h the C EH v11 co urse th at covers I he Ta test ToT hackt ng too Is, suc h as ShIkra, Bus Pt rate,
ra ceò a In ce r2d , a In d m a In y ot h ers.
Last yea r, bush nesses e pe r ten ced a 2,OOO6 Increase tn Of based tncIde nts. You can gal n expe ryUse I n OT, TT, and
I I oT t!nd us t r!aI I oT) zo sec ure a c î ! hlca I e me î p îise Oh I of de pI oym en rs. To I ea r n rh e a dva nced s k! I Is oT OF, CE H
covers concepts iof OT, s uch as TcS, SCADA, and P LC , va mo us ch aI le nges øf OT, OT hac k! ng met h odo I ogy, tøio Ts,
com m u nIcat ton p rotoco Ts of an Of network Take Mod bus, Prof tney, HART-T P, SOAP, No pe n, Deat ce N ey, Mtg bee,
P rioft bus, etc., and ga I n in g be m ate Access usIng DNP3 p roI ocoT.
CE H v1g nß\ ! ncl ude s r he I a zest m aI z'a
îe a naI ysls ra c ales fo r ra nso mama re, ba
nkin g a nd fin a nc la I m a Isa re, I o7
bct nets, OT m a Kwa re an a Cysts, And rotd ma
Kwa re, a nd more!
As the securtty communLtd o bee reed a rise tn ft I eTess attacks, !t bega n to ra!se concerns a bout ft TeTess ma Aware
atta cks. As f! leI ess m a lwa re ts a reT at ice T y new lo rm of ma Tva re atta ck, o rg an tzatto ns ft nd tt d tfficult to deteet wi t h
en d p o!nI secu rIty so T u I ! o n s. W It h t h e CEH u44 , o u can n ow T e a rn va rIo u s fiT e Ie ss m a T w a re te c hn iq ues wi I h
assoct ated defens! e stra teg !es, as the cou rse focuses on the I aso n o my of ft TeTess ma lwa re threats, ft TeTess
m alma re o bTu sca eta n rec hn iq ues to bypass a n tiv!rus, I aun c hIn g fl I eI e ss m a lwa re rh ro ugh s c rips ba sed inj ec mo n,
I a unc hIng f!I eI ess m a Isa re t h îo ug h ph is h ! ng , a nd m are.
ThIs T a te sI I t er at Io n øf C EH uJ in c I
u d e s n ew o p e r aI In g system s, In c T u d
! n g Win d ow s Se roe r 2Od9, W I n d ows Se
r \rz r
2Od6, 8 pd WI ndows g 0 co nf!gured wit h Dorn
ain Co ntroT Ter, ft rev aI Ts, a nd vu I nera b
ie web a pp I tea I !ons fo r p ra ct being
a nd 1m p rovin g hac k! ng sk!II s.
M o r e I h a n 506 oI I h e CEH v44 cou rse Is
ded Ic aI ed to p r ac tic a T sk II T s ! n II
ve r ang e s v! a EC Cio u n c!T I ab s. EC Co u
n cII
I ea ds ! n r h !s a s pe c t oI z he in d us r
The CEH v44 co u rs e I n c T u d es a T I b ra
ry of yh e T aI est too Ts requIred by secu
rtty practIIt oners an d pen testers acro ss
BTC takes Ga m ifination to the next level,
packed with 2A in eredible Hacking Ch allenges
on steroids!),
across A levels of complexity covering 18 attack
vectors, including the OWASP Top 10!
Cove rs vuInerabi lities ranging from a basic
cross-site script to advanced mu lti -level
pivoting, ulti mately
giving access to the entire server.
Some of the vulnera bilities covered are X'2S,
SQLi, lDoR, and Remote Code Execution.
Learners are required to possess varied skills
and procedures in order to capture the I4 ag of
vulnera bility at different levels.
Comes with an inter active UI, to which learners
connect through a VPN to access appl ieations.
Conta ins a dynamie scoring system tracking a
learne r's rise up leveIs, with competitors
watching this on
the portal's dashboard.
(No Transcript)
  • Issues IncT ude pT ag u Ing the Informat ton
  • secu rtÇ world, ethtcaT hacking, Informat ton
  • Web server attac W and a compreLenslve

attack methcdo bogy to audit vuTnerabtTrt Yes tn
secu rtÇ controbs, laws, and standards.
web sewer Inf restructure and countermeasuren
Per r m
Web appTtcatton attacM and comprehensive
us i ng the I a rest footp rtnzt ng Tech niques a
nd tools
web a ppl ica uon hack!ng m et hodolagy to au dlv
pre aita ck phase red u i re ß i n et h icat
SQL 1 njeM ion
Netwsrk scannIng tec hnIqu es an d scannIng
1 nject ion
detection tooTs to del
SQL tngectton afiemps,
techntques a nd
enumera tion
and counter measu res.
m et h odo Tcgy, wt rededs hacktng too Ts,
and WI KI
two ph odes 1 n Ihe target orga n1xatto n's networ
seen ray tools.
communtcayto n indrastructure, and end
systems. rneï hadolagy, stega nogra phy, szeg a
nall sis a tz ar M, a nd couer!ng
techniques, evasto n tooTs and techn tques to
sea knesses.
coun ermensures.
VIrus, to rms, etc., system andIUng Mr malware
ccnce pts technoT o_at_, serve ness co m
puttng), vamous
attacM, ma Aware an aTysts, and countermeasures.
  • Packet sniff Eng techn iques to d tsccor

network uTnerab tTtttes and counter measures to
threayWafiacM, and secure techntques and tools.
  • defend sntRt n g.
  • Tc c fat e ngt neerlng techn1 ques and how to
    tdenttÇ they attacM tc audit human Tees vu
    Tnerab!IIt Yes and suggm sock a T eng I n eert ng

a ud i r,
vu T nera bt T tÇ assessment, and penet ratton
test Ing
  • Threats to Tod and Of pTatfsrms and Team

how zo defend ToT a nd OT dev!res secu rely
DoUDDoS attack techniques and tools to
  • Cryptograpfry cIp he r PubIic

audIt a target and Do5/DDoS cou ntermensures.
d iscome r
ma nagement,
authenticatton/authortzayton, authenticatton/authortzayton, authenticatton/authortzayton,
weaRn esses and countermeas urev weaRn esses and countermeas urev weaRn esses and countermeas urev weaRn esses and countermeas urev
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
To be eTtgtbTe to ch aTTe nge the EC Cou nets
CEH cert!ftcatton esa min at ton, the candy date
has two opt!ons
Attend Offtct a T Networ k Dec u r lty bra !n !ng
by EC Cou ncIT
TI a ca nd !date has com pTeted an off tct aT EC Cou nc!l tr a i ni ng e!ther at an AccredIted Mr a i ni ng be nte r, v!a the iCTass
pT atform, or at an approved acad emtc tnst ttutIon, I he ca nd !date is eTt g i b Ie to chaThen g e the relevant EC Coun ctT exam
without go!ng th mugh the appTtcat ion process.

T n o rd er yo be co nsidered Q r I he EC Counct
T CEH exam wtthouy attendIng offIeta T n
ark securl I raInIng, I he
candidate must have at least 2 yea rs of work
experience !n the Informate on Wcurtty dom am. TI
the candy date has the
requ!red work expe r hence, they can submIt an eT
tg I b I T tty ap p T tcattep fo r 8 Io pg ntth
USD 4OO.OO, a n o n refunda b Ie See
To proc eecl with t lie C EH or CEH (Pra cti ca
I) exa m. I ease coilta ct your EC Councii i e
res ent ativ e or c I i c k
(No Transcript)
National Infocomm Competency framework
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