Title: Socializing Puppies (1)
1Socializing Puppies
25 Signs Your Pup Needs Doggy Daycare ASAP
- Dog daycare can be very bene?cial for puppies.
Spending time at a doggy daycare develops social
skills and minimizes hyperactivity and isolation
anxiety. Most puppies bene?t from having regular
interaction with other smaller dogs. - But each dog is different. Youll need to know
the pros and cons when paying for pet care. The
?ve main reasons dog daycare is bene?cial include - Social interaction.
- They are learning social skills.
- Regular exercise.
- Safe environment.
- You get a break.
- Social Interaction
- A dog not regularly exposed to other dogs playing
off-leash can become antisocial. It may be
aggressive toward other dogs, develop anxiety, or
present reactivity. Dogs are naturally social.
They crave and like contact with other dogs. - Consistent and early socialization is essential
for your puppys healthy development. A rise in
dog reactivity is due to restrictions on dog
interaction with other dogs in a natural way. For
a dog to be social, it needs consistent,
positive experiences with canine friends. - Learning Social Skills
3- Exercise
- Pet owners know their puppy needs exercise but
may not have the time to run the puppy enough
exercise or cannot give them the intensity they
crave. Unless a puppy gets at least 45 minutes
of walking, you barely scratch the surface of
needed exercise. - You cannot replicate the energy expended by two
dogs playing together. Constant roughhousing in
an outdoor area is an optimum way to provide the
positive experience they desperately need. - Safe Environment
- Puppies get into things when left alone. A
diligent doggy daycare staff prevents injuries
from happening when you are not around. Injuries
and accidents can happen anywhere. Having a
carefully controlled environment and responsible
supervision decreases the chance of your puppy
getting hurt. - Very Important Paws will ensure your puppy gets
the care and exercise needed. - Safety is a priority. There must be rules to keep
pups safe. Most doggie daycares have similar
guidelines. Rules vary depending on the facility.
Rules you will likely encounter at most
daycares include - Age requirements.
- Vaccinations.
- Temperament tests.
- Parasite preventatives.
4Vaccinations A good daycare requires
vaccinations for furry friends. Kennel cough and
core vaccines are needed, and pet parents must
have vet paperwork proving the puppy is up to
date. The core vaccines are the rabies vaccine,
parvo vaccine, adenovirus vaccine, and distemper
vaccine. Some dog daycares require additional
non-core vaccines. A diligent doggy daycare
staff prevents injuries from happening when you
are not around. Do not take a puppy with
contagious illnesses like canine in?uenza,
ringworm, kennel cough, distemper, or pravio to
dog daycare. A dog vaccinated against infectious
diseases can still spread or contract the
illness. Most dog daycares ask pet parents to
keep pets showing symptoms at home. Before
returning to the program, a written statement
from a vet declaring the puppy is healthy and not
contagious is submitted. Temperament
Tests Nearly all dog daycares require puppies to
pass a temperament test. The test, which
typically takes one to six hours, allows the
staff to assess how puppies behave in a group
environment. Some dog daycares charge for
temperament tests. Parasite Prevention Because
parasites spread quickly through a facility, a
puppy must be on medications for ?eas and ticks
and have fecal exams. If parasites are found on a
puppy, they are either sent home, or pet parents
are charged for treatment services. Collars Most
doggie daycare facilities ban using buckle,
choke, martingale, or prong collars as they pose
a risk to your puppy and others. When your puppy
goes to doggy daycare, a snap-on, quick-release
collar is suggested.
5- Attendance
- Due to the high demand for dog daycare services,
facilities often implement attendance policies.
Dog daycares may have a minimum and maximum
number of days per week dogs attend, and some
require reservations. - You Need a Break
- Owning a puppy is similar to having a child.
Another living thing depends on you for survival.
It can be signi?cantly exhausting to factor a
puppy into a busy schedule. Sending a puppy to
doggy daycare relieves you from the pressure of
caring for the dog for a while. - You do not have to feel guilty that you are away
you can focus on yourself and other things you
must do. Like sending a child to camp, the puppy
is out of your hair and happily occupied. When
they come home, they are content and drained of
energy. - Dogs Suitable for Dog Daycare
- Among the many dogs most suitable for dog
daycares are - Young dogs.
- High-energy breeds.
- Dogs that are bred for speci?c jobs.
6- High Energy Breeds
- High-energy breeds, such as Jack Russells,
Dalmations, German Shepherds, Pit Bulls, and
Labradors, do not tire with a few minutes of
tugging or walking. The nonstop action at a dog
daycare satis?es their exercise needs and helps
them behave at home. - Dogs Bred for a Speci?c Job
- Dogs bred for a speci?c job need something to do,
or they will feel unful?lled and present
behavioral issues. Dog daycare is an excellent
way for them to do something constructive. - Dogs Not Suitable for Dog Daycare
- A dog daycare setting is not the right
environment for some puppies. It is not ?t for - Very anxious puppies.
- Fearful adult dogs.
- Aggressive dog or dog-reactive.
- Anxious Puppies
7- Preparing Your Puppy for Dog Daycare
- Before the puppys ?rst day, there is work to be
done. It includes - Socializing.
- Obedience training.
- House training.
- Socialization
- Undersocialization contributes to antisocial
behavior and makes ?nding pet care dif?cult. When
you bring a puppy home, start socializing with
other dogs and humans. This socialization will
prepare the puppy for dog daycare and daily life. - Dog Behavior Obedience Training
- A puppy needs basic obedience training to shine
in dog daycare. Mastering simple commands, such
as come, down, stay, and sit, helps our
puppy stay out of trouble and may prevent
accidents. - Reliable recall helps dog daycare staff prevent
escape attempts and remove a puppy from
dangerous situations.
8- Bene?ts of Doggy Day Care
- A puppy gains much from supervised and structured
play in a daycare setting. Ways a puppy bene?ts
include - Encouraging socialization.
- Helping a puppy speak dog language.
- Preventing destructive behavior and accidents.
- Keeping a puppy active.
- Offering mental stimulation.
- Giving a puppy human interaction.
- Combating separation anxiety.
- Helping keep a pup safe.
- Socialization with Other Dogs
- Early doggy daycare enrollment helps provide a
pup with the socialization needed to become a
well-adjusted pack member. Pups with inadequate
socialization or limited exposure to other dogs
and people tend to develop aversions or fear and
have behavioral problems.
9Keeping Active Staying at home all day causes
boredom and can lead to depression, separation
anxiety, and destructive behavior. The right
doggy daycare provides young puppies with mental
stimulation through group play
equipment. Mental Stimulation Puppies require a
lot of playtime and exercise. Doggy daycares
provide play equipment and training. Regular
physical exercise thwarts unwanted behaviors such
as chewing and jumping, helps with digestion,
and builds muscle mass. Human Interaction Becaus
e of work and other obligations, pet parents
cannot be around to play with their puppies
24/7. Doggy daycare is not a substitute for
companionship but provides the affection and
human attention puppies need to
thrive. Separation Anxiety Owners of dogs who
have severe separation anxiety dread coming home
in anticipation of destroyed stuff to pick up or
accidents to clean. Doggy daycare helps with
separation anxiety and its aftermath in two
ways. It takes puppies out of the home
environment, so you do not have to worry about
coming home to a mess or accident. Group play
areas distract puppies from their loved ones and
keep them busy. Very Important Paws provides all
of the dog daycare services mentioned
above. Contact Very Important Paws today in Palm
Beach for all your dog boarding, hotel, daycare,
grooming, and training needs!
10West Palm Beachs Premier Dog Day Care And Hotel
Very Important Paws Reservation
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.com https//www.veryimportantpaws.com/