Title: [Download ]⚡️PDF✔️ Essentials of Prosthetics & Orthotics (with MCQs & Disability
1Essentials of Prosthetics Orthotics (with
MCQs Disability Assessment Guidelines)
Kindle Edition
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DESCRIPTION India has a large population of
Persons with Disability (PWD) who are in need of
education, employment and Rehabilitation
services. NSSO Survey indicates, India is
having 18.49 millions PWD forming about 1.8 of
the total population. The prevalence of
locomotor disability is highest among all types
of disabilities followed by hearing disability
and blindness. Prevalence and incidences of
disability has been changing,
over the Over the has
years, with the causes of disability. years, the
concept of Rehabilitation undergone a sea change
in its
approach. Today, the care and management of PWD
does not mean only educating and training the
PWD but also empowering PWD to be integrated
with normal mainstream in their own community.
The introduction of stem cell in cases of spinal
cord injury has given a new ray of hope.
Similarly with CAD- CAM technology a better
quality of
3Prosthesis/Orthosis is shortest time which is a
fabrication, fitting
now possible in new revolution in and trial of
aids/appliances. This book is also useful
to students of Physiotherapy, Occupational
therapy, Prosthetic and Orthotics who wish to
keep abreast and update in common locomotor
diseases/ disabilities and also interested in
their comprehensive rehabilitation.
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A India has a large population of Persons with
Disability (PWD) who are in need of education,
employment and Rehabilitation services. NSSO
Survey indicates, India is having 18.49 millions
PWD forming about 1.8 of the total population.
The prevalence of locomotor disability is highest
among all types of disabilities followed by
hearing disability and blindness. Prevalence and
incidences of disability has been changing, over
the years, with the causes of disability. Over
the years, the concept of Rehabilitation has
undergone a sea change in its approach. Today,
the care and management of PWD does not mean only
educating and training the PWD but also
empowering PWD to be integrated with normal
mainstream in their own community. The
introduction of stem cell in cases of spinal cord
injury has given a new ray of hope. Similarly
with CAD-CAM technology a better quality of
Prosthesis/Orthosis is now possible in shortest
time which is a new revolution in fabrication,
fitting and trial of aids/appliances. This book
is also useful to students of Physiotherapy,
Occupational therapy, Prosthetic and Orthotics
who wish to keep abreast and update in common
locomotor diseases/ disabilities and also
interested in their comprehensive rehabilitation.