PDF/DOWNLOAD Moscow Rules - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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8 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD = pasirbintang3.blogspot.com/?klik=1541762185 | PDF/READ/DOWNLOAD Moscow Rules | A “devilishly fun” (New York Times Book Review) account of a deadly serious business: the undercover spies and the tactics they developed to survive the Cold War in Moscow, from legendary former-CIA operatives. Antonio Mendez and his future wife Jonna were CIA operatives working to spy on Moscow in the late 1970s, at one of the most dangerous moments in the Cold War. Soviets kept files on all foreigners, studied their patterns, and tapped their phones. Intelligence work was effectively impossible. The Soviet threat loomed larger than ever.The Moscow Rules tells the story of the intelligence breakthroughs that turned the odds in America's favor. As experts in disguise, Antonio and Jonna were instrumental in – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PDF/DOWNLOAD Moscow Rules

M o s c o w R u le s d o w n lo a d P D F , r e a
d M o s c o w R u le s , p d f M o s c o w R u le
s , d o w n lo a d r e a d M o s c o w R u le s
P D F , f u ll d o w n lo a d M o s c o w R u le
s , f u ll e b o o k M o s c o w R u le s , e p u
b M o s c o w R u le s , d o w n lo a d f r e e M
o s c o w R u le s , r e a d f r e e M o s c o w
R u le s , G e t a c c e s M o s c o w R u le s ,
E - b o o k M o s c o w R u le s d o w n lo a d ,
P D F E P U B M o s c o w R u le s , o n lin e
M o s c o w R u le s r e a d d o w n lo a d , f
u ll M o s c o w R u le s r e a d d o w n lo a
d , M o s c o w R u le s k in d le , M o s c o w
R u le s f o r a u d io b o o k , M o s c o w R u
le s f o r ip a d , M o s c o w R u le s f o r a
n d r o id , M o s c o w R u le s p a p a r b a c
k , M o s c o w R u le s f u ll f r e e a c c e s
, d o w n lo a d f r e e e b o o k M o s c o w R
u le s , d o w n lo a d M o s c o w R u le s p d
f , P D F M o s c o w R u le s , D O C M o s
c o w R u le s
Moscow Rules
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Moscow Rules
A 8220deilishly fun8221nbsp(New York Times
Book Review) account of a deadly serious
business the undercover spies and the tactics
they developed to survive the Cold War in Moscow,
from legendary former-CIA operatives. Antonio
Mendez and his future wife Jonna were CIA
operatives working to spy on Moscow in the late
1970s, at one of the most dangerous moments in
the Cold War. Soviets kept files on all
foreigners, studied their patterns, and tapped
their phones. Intelligence work was effectively
impossible. The Soviet threat loomed larger than
ever.The Moscow Rules tells the story of the
intelligence breakthroughs that turned the odds
in America's favor. As experts in disguise,
Antonio and Jonna were instrumental in developing
a series of tactics -- Hollywood-inspired
identity swaps, ingenious evasion techniques, and
an armory of James Bond-style gadgets --
that allowed CIA officers to outmaneuver the KGB.
As Russia again rises in opposition to America,
this remarkable story is a tribute to those who
risked everything for their country, and to the
ingenuity that allowed them to succeed.
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