Title: DOWNLOAD Believe: Floral Lavender Lined Journal Notebook Keepsake
Put those Negative thoughts in Timeout What are
your words saying to you right now Words have the
power to destroy and the power to build up
ProverbsHave you noticed that when you think
positive thoughts or say something nice to
someone your mood changes If Think positive
thoughts then negative ones have nowhere to breed
2Believe if you believe in something you think
that it is trueWriting lets you clear your mind
of negativity so that you can focus on what is
importantSet a goal to write something
everydaySchedule quite time to write Make a
commitment to positive thinkingReflect and
appreciate the life you have and for family and
friends who share your journeyJournaling your
thoughts help to relieve stressFeatures Beautiful
Serene Lavender Floral cover lined pages to
organize record and reflectThe perfect x notebook
that will fit anywhereYour Journal makes the
perfect Memory Keepsake BookBrain Dump
NotebookGift for coworkers moms daughters
grandparents retireeRainy Day JournalJournaling
is therapeutic and its FREE Get started today
order a copy for yourself and one for a friend or
family member Just click add to cart