Title: Firenze Passeggiando per la citta 2
Passeggiando per la città
2Florence is the capital city of the region of
Tuscany and its rich historical, artistic and
cultural heritage make it one of the main tourist
destinations in Italy and Europe. Founded in the
first century A.C. by the Romans, Florence has
been through many prosperous and dark periods.
The city experienced the battles between the
Guelphs and Ghibellines, it was a Commune and
then a "Signoria" under the Medici during the
Renaissance. It was part of the Grand Duchy of
Tuscany first with the Medici and then under the
Lorraines during the 18th century, up until it
became a part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.
Cimabue, Dante Alighieri, Giotto, Brunelleschi,
Donatello, Botticelli and Michelangelo are just a
few of the famous Tuscan artists who contributed
to making Florence such a beautiful and important
city in the world.
3Piazza dei Ciompi, named for the "Ciompi" or wool
carders of Florence (and their eponymous revolt
in 1378), occupies a working class corner of
Florence north of Piazza Santa Croce and close to
Piazza Sant'Ambrogio.
4Piazza dei Ciompi
5A graceful 16th century construction, the Loggia
del Pesce by Giorgio Vasari, now stands at the
north end of the Piazza.
6Tabernacolo di Sant'Ambrogio Giovanni della
Robbia (1525)
7Tabernacolo di Sant'Ambrogio Giovanni della
Robbia (1525)
8Giovanni della Robbia Tabernacolo di
Sant'Ambrogio, 1525 (Detail)
9Allegedly built where Saint Ambrose would have
stayed when in Florence in 393, the church is
first recorded in 998. The first building is
thought to date from the 8th century, as a chapel
of a nunnery built in honour of the
saint. Francesco Granacci (14691543), an Italian
painter of the Renaissance and lifelong friend of
Michelangelo Buonarroti, is buried in this church.
10The church contains numerous frescos,
altarpieces, and other artwork attributed to
Andrea Orcagna, Agnolo Gaddi, Niccolò Gerini,
Lorenzo di Bicci, Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Sandro
Botticelli, Alesso Baldovinetti, Mino da Fiesole,
Cosimo Rosselli, Fra Bartolomeo, and many other
artists. Filippo Lippi's Incoronation of the
Virgin, executed for the church's main altar in
1441-1447, is now at the Uffizi.
Cappella del miracolo del sacramento
11SantAmbrogio, Firenze Crocifissione di Niccolò
di Pietro Gerini (13401415)
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13Sant'Ambrogio, Firenze, Tabernacolo di S.
Sebastiano di Leonardo del Tasso (1465 - 1500?)
Sant'Ambrogio, Firenze, Scuola di Andrea
Orcagna, Madonna del latte in trono
14Sant'Ambrogio, Firenze, Lorenzo di Bicci
(13731452), Madonna con bambino e santi
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17Museo Storico Topografico nell'ex convento
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22The Basilica di Santa Croce (Basilica of the Holy
23The Basilica di Santa Croce (Basilica of the Holy
24The Basilica di Santa Croce Cenotaph of Giuseppe
La Farina
25Donatello - L'Annunciazione (particolare della
Madonna), Firenze, Santa Croce, 1435ca
26San Miniato al Monte
27San Miniato al Monte
28The Chiesa di Ognissanti (All-Saints Church) is a
Franciscan church founded by the lay order of the
Umiliati, dedicated to all the saints and
martyrs, known and unknown. It was completed
during the 1250s, but almost completely rebuilt
on Baroque designs of Bartolomeo Pettirossi,
about 1627, with a façade by Matteo Nigetti
29The façade - by Matteo Nigetti (1637) - conserved
the grand glazed terracotta lunette in the manner
of the Della Robbia, now attributed to Benedetto
Buglioni, over the doorway. To the left of the
façade is a campanile of 13th and 14th century
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35Giotto di Bondone (1267 1337) Ten years for
restauration by l'Opificio delle Pietre dureBlue
Lapis lazuli
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37Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494), Cenacolo di
Ognissanti (1480)
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39Cappella di S.Pietro d'Alcantara - affreschi di
Matteo Bonechi (1672-1752)
40Plaque, dated 1510, for the family tomb of
Mariano Filipepi and his sons, including the
painter Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, best
known as Sandro Botticelli. In Ognissanti church
in Florence, Italy.
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44Altare della Trinità Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio
(1483 1561), Trinità e Incoronazione di Maria
45Tomb of Amerigo Vespucci, died 1471, actually the
grandfather of the famous navigator
46Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449 - 1494) Deposizione e
Madonna dell'Umiltà
47Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449 - 1494) St Jerome in
his study
48Sandro Botticelli, Sant'Agostino nello studio
(152x112 cm) 1480
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50Sandro Botticelli Pala di Sant'Ambrogio, c.
1467-1470 Galleria degli Uffizi
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53Loggia del Mercato Nuovo
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55The Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, popularly known as
the Loggia del Porcellino is so called to
distinguish it from the Mercato vecchio (old
market, located in the area of today's Piazza
della Repubblica. The loggia was built around the
middle of the 16th century The focal point of the
loggia is the Fontana del Porcellino ("fountain
of the piglet"), actually a copy of a bronze wild
boar by Pietro Tacca from the sixteenth century
the original can be found at Palazzo Pitti.
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58Loggia del Porcellino by night
Popular tradition has it that rubbing the nose
brings fortune, so over time, the statue has
acquired a certain shine in that spot. Visitors
are encouraged to place a coin in the mouth of
the boar after rubbing its nose, and superstition
implies that the wish will be granted if the
offering tumbles through the grate whence the
water flows. The slope of the grate is such that
most coins do fall through, and are collected by
the city.
59Porta Romana
60Text Internet Pictures Daniela Iacob
Internet All copyrights belong to their
respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Andrea Bocelli - Il Mistero Dell'