Title: Mexico Tula & Taller obsidiana
Capitala statului toltec, probabil primii
migratori din nord, cei dintâi care pe teritoriul
Mexicului prelucreaza arama, bronzul si aurul.
Cuvântul toltec înseamna erudit, artist si erau
considerati de contemporani un popor de artisti
prin excelenta. Cronicile vechi vorbesc despre ei
ca despre inventatorii aurariei si ai unei arte
speciale aranjamentele din pene colorate.
Capitala lor era plina de opere arhitectonice
bogat împodobite cu sculpturi în relief iar
zeitatea lor suprema era Quetzalcoatl, sarpele cu
pene de quetzal. Tula is a Mesoamerican
archeological site, an important regional center
which reached its height as the capital of the
Toltec Empire between the fall of Teotihuacan and
the rise of Tenochtitlan. The major attraction of
the site is Pyramid B also called the Pyramid of
Quetzalcoatl or of the Morning Star. It is a
five-tiered structure similar to the Temple of
the Warriors at Chichen Itza. At the top of
Pyramid B are four massive columns each carved in
the likeness of Toltec warriors which once
supported the roof of the temple on top of the
pyramid. Each warrior figure is of basalt, four
meters high, with an atlatl or spear thrower,
incense, a butterfly shaped chest plate and a
back plate in the shape of a solar disk
de México !
3Chacmool (also spelled chac-mool) is a particular
form of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican sculpture
depicting a reclining figure with its head facing
90 degrees from the front, supporting itself on
its elbows and supporting a bowl or a disk upon
its stomach. These figures possibly symbolised
slain warriors carrying offerings to the gods
Chacmools were often associated with sacrificial
stones or thrones
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5Templul Tlalhuizcalpantecutli (templul stelei
din zori) Atlantii de la Tula poarta arme si au
un fluture stilizat pe piept (Quetzalcoatl avea
pe piept un pectoral numit giuvaerul vântului).
Statuile sunt construite din câte patru blocuri
de piatra si au 4,6 m înaltime
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7Templul Tlalhuizcalpantecutli (templul stelei
din zori) este orientat de la nord la sud si
este precedat de circa 100 de coloane (asemanator
cu Templul Razboinicilor de la Chichén Itzá,
Yucatan). A fost distrus de invadatorii
chichimeca în epoca precolumbiana
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10Coatlpantli, sau zidul serpilor are trei benzi de
decoratii în stuc, cele de sus si jos decorate cu
grecas iar cea de la mijloc cu serpi, alegorie
a pamântului. În partea de sus are o cornisa
creneleta, cu forme spiralate. A fost distrus de
invadatorii chichimeca în epoca precolumbiana
11Heneken (sisal, agava)
12Opuntia, nopal (fructul, comestibil se numeste
13Piper peruvian (Schinus molle, piper american,
14 Taller de Obsidiana
15Atelier de Artizanat
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17Callistemon (peria de spalat sticle)
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23Taller de Obsidiana
Obsidian Workshop
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25Made in Mexico for at least 400 years, mezcal is
a homespun affair primarily produced by small
families and villages. The name comes from the
Nahuatl words metl, which means agave, and
ixcalli, which means cooked or baked. The
plants are roasted in the ground under stone and
dirt, and then fermented agave juice is distilled
in wood-burning clay pots or copper stills.
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28The Weber Blue agave was selected to be the go-to
agave for tequila because of its higher sugar
concentration compared to other agave plants
29Rodia (Punica granatum)
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34Agave is a magical plant. With over 200 known
species, many of which can be made into myriad
byproducts, it is a diverse, multifaceted entity.
Perhaps the best-known (and most loved) uses for
agave are tequila and mezcal.(Agave is
actually in the same family as asparagus). The
plants generally live for around 15 to 30 years,
and mature after seven to 25 years
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38Fotografii Sanda Potrovita Sanda
Foisoreanu Prezentare Sanda Foisoreanu
Buena Vista Social Club - El Cuarto de Tula