Title: Duy Huynh 1 (Vietnam, 1975)
1Duy Huynh
"Vietnamese born (1975) Duy Huynh's interest in
art began during his childhood, shortly after his
arrival to the US in the early eighties.
Initially experiencing difficulties adapting to
new surroundings and language, Huynh discovered
that art speaks a universal language. He reveals
his fluency in visual expression with magical
works that remind us that in art, the
possibilities are boundless.
Huynh is a visual story teller, creating softly
colored visions seemingly taken from the middle
of a fantastical story or recalled from a dream.
Drawing inspiration from music and movies,
ancient folklore and comic book adventures, Duy
creates his narratives with ethereal characters
who maintain a serene, precarious balance --
often floating or flying -- in a surreal,
dreamlike setting. His paintings explore the
human condition and symbolically reflect
geographical and cultural displacement, but in a
whimsical way that captures the boundless
possibilities of the human spirit.
3(No Transcript)
4In China, the good plates are called America
Turning leaves
5Silk moth Majesty
6Blue Moon Expedition
Finding equilibrium
The Bridge
8Songcatcher (hidden track for a train of thought)
Autumn Ascension
9Floating garden
Metamorphosis of a Metaphor
10Uprooted Housing
11Mussel Memories and a Coral Fixation
12Stowaway on a train of thought
Solitary Refinement
13Capsized contemplation
Theremin's therapy
14To understand is to perceive patterns
Dream chasers II
15Cumulus curiosity
A nest among the clouds
16Heavy burden of a big heart
Never mind the clouds
17Transfer of Grace2
Rare light of the woods
18From intuition to fruition
Transfer of grace
19Dance the Blues
Circus Romance
20No More Clouded Hearts
22Whatever floats your boat
23Subject to Change
Floating Meditation (Renewed Spirit)
24The Shining Hours
Waiting for time to fly
25A song after the rain has gone
26Autumn Introspection
27Winter Wings
28Low Tide Lullaby
29Low Tide Lullaby (fragment)
30Bee the Change home
31Mistakes are portals of discovery
32Higher Ground Ballad
Breathing Space
33Arborist lost in thought
Eternal Companions
34Moment of Noise
Big Heart Botany2
35Mindful Migration
Crescendo of Memory
36Still Learning to Let Go
Sometimes time doesn't fly fast enough
37Humanatee contemplating the origin of species
Traveling Roots
38Head in the clouds
39Slow food for thought (detail)
40Metamorphosis of a Metaphor III
Slow Food for Thought
41Cycles of 7
43Making sense of the patterns
44Dreamers meeting place
45Big Heart Botany
Quince and Coincidence
47Chorus from the Brain forest
48Text and pictures Internet Copyright All the
images belong to their authors Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Cat Bui Tinh Xa Tran Manh
Tuan Saxophone -Trinh Cong Son
Dang Can
Mai Trung Thu
Nguyen Thanh Binh
Le Pho
Vu Cao Dam
Lim Khim Katy
Lam Chieu Dong
Nguyen Thi Hop
Phan Thu Trang
Vietnamese contemporary art
Duy Huynh
Duy Huynh
Duy Huynh
Duy Huynh
Duy Huynh