Title: Download ⚡️ Loves Garfield: The Semi-Official Garfield Collectors Handbook
2Loves Garfield The Semi-Official Garfield
Collectors Handbook
Garfield is one of the most beloved and iconic
fictional cats in history. For over 40 years,
Garfield has held a prominent place in popular
culture from his birth as the headliner of a
popular cartoon to his emergence as the emperor
of a vast inventory of collectibles, multimedia,
software, games, television shows, and motion
pictures. His familiar orange face and signature
smirk are more recognizable internationally than
most heads of state and celebrities.Cathy Kothe
is the current holder of the world record for
number of Garfield collectibles and her husband
Robert is the Official Collection Cataloger.
Together, they seek to give readers an inside
look at the Garfield lovers community as well as
share trade tips and secrets about the best ways
to track down rare items, price and sell
collectibles, and navigate the online collectors
8217 world. You certainly don 8217 t need to be a
collector to enjoy Loves Garfield - and celebrate
the world 8217 beloved 8220 poster cat 8221 for
laziness...and lasagne!
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