Title: Download⚡PDF❤ Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
2Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
This book is designed to be the only one the
student and the professor need for legal research
and legal writing. It is designed to provide a
clear explanation of basic information, exercises
to give the student the necessary practice in
researching and writing, and sample legal writing
documents. The text is user friendly and readable
while balancing the need for detail. Each chapter
covers only a manageable amount of material for
someone who has not been previously exposed to
the law.The objectives of the legal research
portion of the book are to teach the student how
to competently perform legal research in the law
library and on the computer, to use correct
citation form, and to understand the fundamentals
of legal research.The objectives of the legal
writing portion of the book are to explain the
fundamentals of legal analysis and writing, to
teach the student how to communicate clearly, and
to explain how to eliminate mechanical
errors.There is a set of 193 PowerPoint slides
available upon adoption. You can click here to
view a sample presentation. If you are a
professor using this book for a class, please
contact Rachael Meier at remeier_at_cap-press.com to
request your slides.
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