Title: Melanie Lawrence - Lakeville - An Exceptional Multitasker
1Melanie Lawrence Lakeville
RCE Advocate at Southeast Service Cooperative
2(No Transcript)
3With a commitment to student achievement and
educational excellence, Melanie Lawrence, ED.S,
serves as an RCE Advocate at the Minnesota
Department of Education. Melanie Lawrence-Smith
leverages her expertise in coaching, professional
development, and program implementation to
support schools and districts in their
improvement efforts.
4Melanie Lawrence-Smiths career in education
began in Richfield Public Schools, where she
taught grades 3-5 for nineteen years. Her
leadership abilities were quickly recognized,
leading to her role as a TOSA in 2014, where she
was instrumental in creating teacher-led
evaluation and professional development systems.
5In 2017, Melanie Lawrence (Lakeville) became the
assistant principal at Richfield STEM Elementary,
supervising a vibrant school environment with
over 800 students and 70 staff members.
6Melanie Lawrence (Lakeville) holds a Masters in
Education from the University of Minnesota and a
K-12 Administration Reading Endorsement from
Concordia University, maintaining a perfect GPA
in both programs.
7Melanie Lawrence-Smiths leadership experience
includes facilitating Professional Development,
implementing Professional Learning Communities,
and training educators in crucial areas such as
Standards Development, Equity, and Restorative
Practices. She aims to enhance organizational
capacity through collaborative and
solution-oriented approaches, ensuring all
students have the opportunity to succeed.
To know more about her visit her official site
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