Title: Jeffrey Peterson - Wisconsin Basketball - A Creative Strategist
1Jeffrey Peterson - Wisconsin Basketball
College Basketball League Player Wisconsin
Badgers Basketball 1991-1994 Basketball
Enthusiast LeBron, Shaq and Jordan Fan
2(No Transcript)
3Jeffrey Peterson is an individual who loves
Basketball. His adoration for the game has never
diminished in the years since he stopped playing
back in the late '90s.
4Jeff Peterson watches live games and goes to the
National Basketball Association end-of-the-season
games. He is a fan of LeBron James and a
supporter of the Lakers. Even if Jeff Peterson
did not make it to the professional team, he is
still a very gifted and talented player.
5Jeffrey Peterson's adoration for the game can be
estimated by how he has not even once missed the
opportunity to go to a live game. Jeff played for
different University and College leagues back in
his day.
6Jeff Peterson played for the Wisconsin Badgers
team from 1990 to 1994. He kept on playing for
the University of Wisconsin, Madison, later on.
7Jeffrey Peterson's affection for Basketball arose
in his high school days. As he got more
acquainted with the game, his affection for
Basketball expanded till he got the chance to
play in his university days in Wisconsin.
8THANK YOU Find out more about him at his official
site https//jeffpetersenwisconsinbadgers.com/