Title: Helium-Free MRI Scanner by Siemens Healthineers
1Helium-Free MRI Scanner by Siemens Healthiness
By Vikki Harmonay
2At the European Congress of Radiologys annual
meeting Siemens Healthineers unveiled a virtually
helium-free MR Scanner which will require no
squelch pipe. Its the Magnetom Flow, a 1.5 Tesla
solution that operates with 0.7 liters of helium
instead of the 1,500 liters of helium used by
traditional scanners. It has a 24-square-meter
footprint and weighs less than four tons. The
Magnetom Flow is equipped with AI to speed up
scans as well as enhance image quality. Its
automation capabilities simplify complex
workflows to improve user experience for both new
and highly qualified technicians. It also cuts
3The scanner is expected to consume 30-40 less
energy and electricity, which will reduce energy
bills. The eco gradient mode will allow the
scanner to switch components off that consume
large amounts of energy. An auto-recovery
function will allow the system to ramp down
during a power outage and automatically ramp up
when power has been restored. The helium-free
technology and eco power mode can save an
additional 30 in cooling capacity overnight.
This makes the Magnetom Flow one of Siemens
Healthineers most sustainable MR systems.
4Siemens Healthiness believes the scanner will fit
into academic institutions, outpatient imaging
facilities, and smaller rural hospitals. Its
geared toward parts of the globe where
60-centimeter bore sizes are the standard. The
United States uses a standard 70-centimeter bore
and Siemens Healthiness plans to introduce a
version that will meet this criterion. While
still under development, the Magnetom Flow is not
commercially available as of yet.
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