Title: Office Chairs | Highmoon Office Furniture | Best Quality Ergonomic Chairs
O ffic e Fur nitu re M a n ufac t urer
Molly Grey Ergonomía Chair
Headrest Frame Arm Mechanism Seat slide functien
Gas li Base
Adjustable mesh headrest Grey plastics glass
fiber frame 3D adjustable armrest with PU
covered S lock weight-sensitive synchro tilt
mechanism, tension auto adjust. (seat depth
adjustable) 65mm extended length, Class-3 gas
lift 350mm nylon base60mm PU caster
799 AED
Headrest ra Arm Mechanism
Adjustable mesh headrest Btack pIastic glass
fiber frame 3D adjustable armrest with PU
covered 5 lock weight-sensitive synchro tilt
tension auto adjust. Seat slide functien (seat
depth adjustable)
Cas li Base
65mm extended length, Class-3 gas lift 3'i0mm
nylon base60mm PU caster
WEN-2ó4Executive Chair
Headrest moulded foam and PU uphoJstery,angIe
height adjustable " Ergonomic back design,
front tilt angle and normal angle adjustable
back, durable fabric Seathigh resiliency
moulded foam and fabric upholsterey
Mutil-functional tilt locked contr'l, w1th seat
slider smart ergonomlcs armrest with PU
armpad,360 degree rotary adjMstable High profile
nylon base with two twin casters(ó0mm).
Gaslift class 4 gas lift