Title: MarTech Interview with Mike Hauptman, CEO at Adlib
1MarTech Interview with
Mike Hauptman, CEO at Adlib
2Mike, please provide a brief overview of AdLib
and its unique position in the advertising
software industry.
AdLib stands out in the advertising software
industry by seamlessly connecting with top global
DSPs through our MetaDSP. We offer analytics that
ingest and normalize data from diverse DSPs and
major media supply sources, providing
consolidated reporting and actionable insights.
Ad agencies, brands, and marketers choose AdLib
as a workflow platform to reduce labor costs and
eliminate errors omissions. Our integrated,
user-friendly UI and cross-channel media buying
APIs streamline ad campaign setup and launch
across top DSPs. AdLib differentiates by using
best-in-class connections through larger DSPs,
fostering healthy competition.
Read Full Interview Here
3Thank you very much!