Title: Myanmar 26 Sagaing Soon U Ponya Shin Paya2
Soon U Ponya Shin Paya
2Sagaing was the capital of Sagaing Kingdom
(13151364), one of the minor kingdoms that rose
up after the fall of Pagan dynasty. During the
Ava period (13641555), the city was the common
fief of the crown prince or senior princes. The
city briefly became the royal capital between
1760 and 1763 in the reign of King
Naungdawgyi. On August 8, 1988, Sagaing was the
site of demonstrations which were concluded by a
massacre in which around 300 civilians were killed
3Located on the Ayeyarwady River, 20 km to the
southwest of Mandalay on the opposite bank of the
river, Sagaing with numerous Buddhist monasteries
is an important religious and monastic center.
The central pagoda, Soon U Ponya Shin Pagoda, is
connected by a set of covered staircases that run
up the 240 m hill
The pagodas and monasteries crowd the numerous
hills along the ridge running parallel to the
4Soon U Ponya Shin pagoda has the best view of
Sagaing Hill and other pagodas in the surrounding
area of Sagaing Hill
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7Large temple bells in every temple are highly
regarded they are struck three times at the end
of personal spiritual practice as an invitation
for all to share in the good fortune accumulated
and others show their approval by declaring
thadu, thadu, thadu, which means well done, well
done, well done
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10Tiled floor of eastern terrace
11Everywhere small shrines or spirit houses
dedicated to Nats
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13Royal Poinciana Flower
14Nuns walking around the crescent shaped collonade
of Soon U Ponya Sin Paya
15This temple is found on Nga-pha (frog) hill, one
of the southern hilltops of Sagaing Hill.
16Myanmar chronology defines 8 days in a week,
which Wednesday is being divided in two morning,
and evening. The Burmese zodiac employs eight
signs in a seven-day week, with each sign
representing its own day, cardinal direction,
planet (celestial body) and animal
17Tuesday The Lion Planet Mars Southeast
Monday The Tigre Planet Moon East
18The day that one has born is the most important
in daily life in Myanmar. Every individual soul
is being named after the day that he or she has
born. Thus in Myanmar history there is no
generation hand down by the family name since
Myanmar does not carry family names
Friday The Guinea Pig Planet Venus North
Sunday Garuda (Mythical bird) Planet
Sun Northeast
Wednesday p.m. Tuskless elephant Planet
Rahu Northwest
19For example if you were born on Monday and are
named Maung Kyi Win, that doesn't mean that your
name is Maung and your family name is Kyi Win,
but it is simply because that you were born on
Monday of the week. Thus your other family member
may born different days of the week and all will
have different names in possess
Friday The Guinea Pig Planet Venus North
Sunday Garuda (Mythical bird) Planet
Sun Northeast
20Myanmar strongly believe in astrology and the day
you born is playing a major factor to tell your
fate, match making, business dealing, house whole
building, in worse case to buy a car or to apply
a job, Myanmar do consult with astrologer or
Buddhist Monks who then refer to your birth day
to tell you the do's and don'ts
Wednesday a.m. Tusked elephant Planet
Mercury South
21Monday The Tigre Planet Moon East
Sunday Garuda (Mythical bird) Planet
Sun Northeast
22According to their traditional astronomy, there
are 8 days in a week. The trick is the very
middle part of a week, 'Wednesday evening' is
called "Yarhu". However Yarhu is not considered
as a significant day of week and it is not
printed in the calendars
Wednesday a.m. Tusked elephant Planet
Mercury South
Thursday Rat Planet Jupiter West
Saturday Naga (Dragon) Planet Saturn South West
23Myanmar Astrology recognizes the seven planets,
namely Sun, Mon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus,
and Saturn. In addition, it recognizes two other
planets, Rahu and Kate. The Sunday, Tuesday,
Saturday and Rahu planets are considered to be
Malefics, or planets with an evil influence while
the Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
planets are considered Benefics, or planets with
benign influence
Thursday Rat Planet Jupiter West
Wednesday p.m. Tuskless elephant Planet
Rahu Northwest (tusk less elephants are believed
to be more powerful than elephant with tusk)
Saturday Naga (Dragon) Planet Saturn South West
24The basic belief of Myanmar Astrology is that the
planets mould a man's fate. The planet of a man's
birthday will be the main guardian of his fate,
but at each particular period of a man's life a
particular planet throws upon him its baneful or
its beneficial influence. For example, at one
period of his life he will be under the influence
of Saturn and ill-fortune will befall him, but at
another period he will be under the influence of
Venus and good fortune will result. Thus the ebb
and flow of a man's fortune depends on the paths
in the sky of the planets
Wednesday p.m. Tuskless elephant Planet
Rahu Northwest
Thursday Rat Planet Jupiter West
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29International Buddhist Academy
Sagaing, which was the capital of Shan kingdom
from 1315 to 1364, when the grandson of its
founder moved the capital to Inwa (or Ava). It is
reputed for its 500 stupas and monasteries, which
house about 6000 monks and nuns.
Sagaing New Pagoda, Nunnary
30International Buddhist Academy
31International Buddhist Academy
32International Buddhist Academy
33International Buddhist Academy, Scholars from all
over the world come to University to study
Buddhist scriptures and practice
34Myanmar is trying to position itself as the
quintessential Buddhist country worldwide. The
sheer amount of temples helps to perpetuate this
view. It's not strange therefore, to extend
special long-term visas for people practising
meditation here, or that they have created an
International Buddhist University (Sitagu
International Buddhist Academy)
35In the centre of the university there is a
curious pagoda, which unlike many others that
I've seen, has offices inside it. Surrounding the
stupa there are small compartments where you can
find exhibitions of photographs, always with
Buddhist themes
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38Located on the Ayeyarwady River, 20 km to the
southwest of Mandalay on the opposite bank of the
river, Sagaing with numerous Buddhist monasteries
is an important religious and monastic center
Sagaing hill
39Lunchtime, Nunnary
40Lunchtime, Nunnary
41Lunchtime, Nunnary
42Past Future Buddhas, New Pagoda, Nunnary
43Bamboo Buddha Pagoda, Nunnary
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49The Irrawaddy Bridge is a bridge in Sagaing. It
crosses the Irrawaddy River, to the southwest of
Mandalay and Amarapura and just to the north of
the old Ava Bridge, and is also known as the New
Ava Bridge. It was completed in 2008. It has
total span of 5,614 feet (1,711 m) long and has a
four-lane motorway of 49 feet (15 m) width with
pedestrian lanes of 6 feet (1.8 m) wide on the
flanks. It is designed for a carrying capacity of
60 tons
50Ava Bridge
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52Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet All copyrights belong to their
respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Burma Traditional Music