Title: Melbourne Event Security Guards
1Melbourne Event Security Guard Services
- We are ICORP Security services the efficient
answer to all your security needs from crowd
management to advance security solution, our
comprehensive security solution guarantees a
secure environment while enhancing the overall
experience for all attendees with the value adds
we will provide. - Higher Productivity
- Reduce congestion increase better customer
2Our Event Portfolio
- Melbourne Royal Show
- St. Kilda Festival
- Queenscliff Music Festival
- Councils Engagement
3- Melbourne Royal Show
- ICORP Security is the incumbent service provider
for Melbourne Royal show the Melbourne
Showground. We deployed over 120 security guards
daily during the show.
4St. Kilda Festival
- ICORP Security successfully supplied the RSA
security during the highly anticipated St. Kilda
Festival 2024. We deployed 86 RSA security
officers, our team performed a critical role
during the festival making ensure that all
festival goners had a safe and pleasure able
experience. Our RSA security guards extensive
training and expertise in protocol equipped them
to effectively uphold safety standards while
maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for
5Queenscliff Music Festival
- ICORP Security successfully managed the security
operation of Queenscliff Music Festival. This
festival held at various locations within the
town of Queenscliff from 23rd November to 26th
November 2023. We provide security management
during in/out, event day security such as entry
gate security, access control, RSA security,
asset protection many more.
6Councils Engagement
ICORP Security is the most preferred security
service provider for various events held by
number of regional city councils including
whitehorse City Council, Moone Valley City
Council, Banyule City Council, Kingston City
Council many more. We work with the various
communities across Victoria to secure major
events. We are the preferred service provider
for security management of all home games of
Collingwood Football Club deploying around 50-70
security guards per game to cover various roles.
7Contact US
- Website https//www.icorpsecurity.com.au/
- Email info_at_icorpsecurity.com.au
- Address Level 1, 228 Wirraway Road, Essendon
Fields, VIC 3041, Melbourne, Australia - Connect With Us
- Facebook https//www.facebook.com/ICORPSEC/
- Instagram https//www.instagram.com/icorpsecurity
/ - Twitter https//twitter.com/IcorpSecurity
- Linkedinhttps//www.linkedin.com/company/icorpsec
8Thank You !