Title: Lizzie Riches 1 (English, 1950)
Lizzie Riches
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Mint tea
3Lizzie Riches was born in East London in 1950 and
grew up near Epping Forest, where she first
developed a love of natural history. Lizzie went
to Camberwell School of Art and to Goldsmiths,
but felt out of sympathy with the painting styles
of the late sixties preferred to develop her own
visual language. Riches lived for many years in
rural Suffolk, however it was not the landscape
that inspired her, but the birds, animals, plants
and insects that she found there. Her interests
have widened to exotic flora and fauna and she is
particularly fascinated by the relationship
between human civilisation and the natural
world. Portal Painters first exhibited Lizzie
Riches work in 1976 and she has exhibited with
them ever since, Lizzie has had solo exhibitions
in Chicago and Paris
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Red Amaryllis With
5Lizzie Riches - Merlot
Fast Food
Lizzie Riches Paper Doll 2007
7Lizzie Riches Flamingos
Sum of memories
8Lizzie Riches Sea Dreams
A Play without words
9Little did I know
Lizzie Riches A romance
10Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) A Personification
of the Sense of Smell
Peonies and wisteria
11Lizzie Riches (English, 1950)
12Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Girl with a secret
Still life of shoes
13Lizzie Riches (English, 1950)
The Winter Queen
14(No Transcript)
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16The First of May
Golden lace
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Demeter
17Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Cafe Society
An Intimation
18Portal Painters Stand at the Affordable Art Fair
in Battersea
19The Winter Coat
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) The summer coat
20War Paint Little
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Children's corner
21The Hermit
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Paper chase
22Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Winter Spell
23Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Winter Spell
24Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Apple Blossom
25 The Argonaut
The Rags of Time
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Pulcinelli
26Tundra Swan
Portal Painters Stand at the Affordable Art Fair
in Battersea
Ruff Characters
27Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Personification of
the Sense of Hearing
28Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) The Mermaid's
29Black Swan
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Fables of Aesop
30The Favourite
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Golden Eagle
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Incense
32Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Salad
Portrait of a girl with a still-life
33Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Butterflies
La Gardiniera
34Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Balanced diet
Marmoset and quince tree
35Lizzie Riches (English, 1950)
In the garden
36A Nautical Engagement Fellow
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) Lapsang Souchong
37The Wanderer
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) One of a Kind
38High Flyer
Lizzie Riches (English, 1950) The green fan
39(No Transcript)
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41Text and pictures Internet All copyrights
belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Charlie Landsborough - What
Colour is the Wind I Want Someone Who Will Love