Title: Enrique Jimenez Carrero 2 (Spanish, 1953)
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4Retrato de carnaval III
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62008 Europa Cartas
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9Mujer con manton de Manila
10 Turismo Español
11 Frascos de perfume
12Movimiento che te envuelve
13Caballos saliendo del cuadro
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16Revillagigedo Palace in Gijón Inside, is the
International Art Centre Exhibition 2014
17Adoración del ángel
18Ellos también fueron niños
Espejo que refleja
Raptada por la ausencia
20Me abrazo a los sueños afrutados
21Dulce mirada
22Hablemos de ti y de mí
23Manzanas y lapiceros
Viento de primavera
24Contigo en la despedida
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26Enrique Jiménez Carrero was born in Spain
(Cáceres) on the 18th of March 1953. He attended
the School of Fine Arts at Santa Cruz de Tenerife
and the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts
in Madrid, where he lives and works since 1976,
without losing his close ties to his
birthplace. His work as a stage designer includes
the sets for The Sisters of Buffalo Bill
(1974), Societys Ruin (1975) and Song of the
Lusitanian Bogey (1978). As an illustrator he
worked on the book Genesis of Memory by Bierzo
poet Gonzáles-Guerrero in 1985 and the book cover
for Notebooks of Summer by Félix Pinero. As a
designer, in addition to other work he has
created stamps for the Spanish Post and joint
issues with other countries. Since 1974 his work
has been presented in over 70 individual
exhibitions in museums, galleries and other
cultural spaces.
In 2007 he was the first Spanish artist to
present his work in Doha, Qatar. In 2005 he was
nominated Adoptive Son of Plasencia and tourism
ambassador of the city. In 2010 he was nominated
Favourite Son of the town of Alagón del Río.
Today part of his work forms part of the
collection of Museums such as Fujit in Tokio, the
Albacete, Santander and Badajoz Museums of Fine
Art, and the Postal and Telegraphic Museum of
Madrid. In addition to the cultural funds of the
City Councils of La Coruña, Albacete and Badajoz
the Municipalities of Plasencia, Móstoles,
Leganés, Puertollano and La Coruña local saving
banks, Postal Savings Bank, Asamblea de
Extremadura and other public and private
collections in Spain, France, Germany, USA,
Mexico, Colombia, England, Italy and Qatar
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28Las dos majas
29Sin navidad al frente
30Siempre hay nuevas primaveras
31La gatita presumida
32Retrato de carnaval II
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34Maternidad II
En el portal del cielo
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36 Navidad
Suena de fondo una canción de cuna
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39Llegaron los reyes magos
41Adoración al Niño utilizado para el sello
de Navidad 2013 de Andorra
42 Arropado por el corazón de la madre
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45Reinventando los clásicos
Sagrada Familia
46Reinventando los clásicos
47En volandas del viento
48 Sara Baras
49 Las emociones que se deslizan entre los
50Cuando la danza te desnuda
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52Text Pictures Internet Copyright All the
images belong to their authors Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Vicente Amigo - Y sera verdad
(con Alejandro Sanz)