Title: Catherine Chauloux 1 (French, 1957)
1Catherine Chauloux
2Born in 1957 in Nantes, Catherine Chauloux lives
in the Nantes region. Self-taught painter, she
had for masters the painters of the Italian and
Flemish renaissance. She exhibits since 1984 in
France and abroad. For 10 years, she has been
living in a lyrical world on the borders of the
imagination. Fortunately, some artists manage to
exceed the limits, to deploy in their works all
the strength of their imagination. Catherine
Chauloux enrolls in this school , or rather,
claims her membership in a truancy school in
which escape is welcome
La Mersadine de Brugges
3Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
4Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
5Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
6Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
7Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
8Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
9Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
10Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
11Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
12Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
Books and wings
13Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
Le verseur de the
14Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
15Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Les reines
du souk au croissant de lune
Let's go for the weekend
16Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
17Dame Coquotte
Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Et l'éléphant
était bleu!
18Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Diary
19Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
20Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
21Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
22Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
23Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957)
24Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Jeune fille au
25Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Ces messieurs
nous disent
Contes et légendes
26Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Ça déménage!
Dale terrassant le dragon
27Chicken with golden eggs
Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) La Fleuriste
28Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) D'accord tu es
la première mais tu descends...
La partition
29Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Femme
30Clear earth
Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Expedition sur
le terrain
31Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Cocotte à
Just a little gluttony
Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Pilot fish
33Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) De A à Z, tout
sur les oiseaux
Les astuces du Grand Duc
Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Gourmandise
35Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Juste une ombre
Chicken with golden eggs
36Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Diane a la
Beach dream
37Catherine Chauloux (French, 1957) Le Hamelins
38Text Pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound René Aubry - Prima Donna