Title: Sound Insulation Testing in Bristol UK | Southern Assessors
1Phone No 0800 6123801
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2Sound Testing
Sound insulation testing is carried out to
demonstrate compliance with Building
Regulations Document E 2003. There are further
requirements set out in other documents such as
BB93, The Code for Sustainable Homes, HTM 08-01
and BREEAM schemes. Sound Insulation Testing
also referred as acoustic insulation or acoustic
testing is a process of testing the resistance to
the passage of sound in a new constructed
building. A sample of dwelling on new
construction development project is performed to
ascertain the sound insulation level in certain
building elements.
Phone No 0800 6123801
Mail Us email-info_at_southern-assessors.co.uk
3It is done to make sure that the amount of noise
in the building does not affect the neighbours
and environment. The process of sound insulation
guarantees a good quality of life for the
residents of the building tested and the
neighbours also. It is a compliance with Part E
of the Building Regulations. Southern
Assessors has the professional UKAS accredited
engineers to perform sound insulation testing
services throughout the UK. They have
professionals who can advice you from design to
Phone No 0800 6123801
Mail Us email-info_at_southern-assessors.co.uk
4Our Services
- Southern Assessors provide UKAS accredited
engineers to carry out airborne and impact sound
insulation testing throughout the UK - Professional and reliable service
- Advisory service from design to completion
Southern Assessors UK
Phone No 0800 6123801
Mail Us email-info_at_southern-assessors.co.uk
5Contact Us
Phone No 0800 6123801
Mail Us email-info_at_southern-assessors.co.uk