Herniorrhaphy: A Comprehensive Guide - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Herniorrhaphy: A Comprehensive Guide


A herniorrhaphy is a surgical procedure to repair a hernia. In this procedure, your doctor repairs the weak spot in the abdominal wall. A hernia develops when an organ pushes through an opening of the muscle or tissue of the abdominal wall. Let's explore more: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Herniorrhaphy: A Comprehensive Guide

Herniorrhaphy A Comprehensive Guide
  • By Dr Valeria Simone MD
  • (Southlake General Surgery, Texas, USA)

  • A herniorrhaphy is a surgical procedure to repair
    a hernia. In this procedure, your doctor repairs
    the weak spot in the abdominal wall. A hernia
    develops when an organ pushes through an opening
    of the muscle or tissue of the abdominal wall.

  • If a person has a direct hernia, which bulges
    from the abdominal wall, your surgeon will
    suggest surgery to push the bulge back to its
    place and repair the weak spot of the muscle or
    tissue by stitching the edges with healthy
    tissue. If the area of weak muscles is large,
    your surgeon may use a synthetic mesh, also known
    as surgical mesh, to strengthen and cover the
    hernia defect in the abdominal cavity.
  • This procedure is known as hernioplasty and is
    recommended for individuals who experience
    discomfort or pain during physical activity or
    when coughing, sneezing, or standing up.
  • In some cases, the hernia may appear as a bulge
    in the groin area and may require surgery,
    specifically inguinal hernia repair, to fix the
    issue. It is important to consult with a medical
    professional to determine the best course of
    treatment for your specific hernia.
  • The possibility of a hernia recurrence after
    surgery is low. The recurrence of a hernia is
    based on the type of hernia and the surgical
    procedure. When mesh was not introduced in the
    medical industry, about 15 percent of the
    individuals who had hernia repair surgery had a
    recurrence of the hernia.

  • However, the use of hernia mesh has significantly
    reduced the percentage of recurrent hernias,
    making it a more effective option for treatment
    with fewer side effects. Postoperative care is
    also crucial in preventing complications such as
    wound infection, nerve pain, and recurrence.
  • Patients should be monitored closely for these
    potential issues, including monitoring the blood
    supply to the affected area, to ensure proper
    healing and recovery.

Herniorrhaphy Procedure
  • Before surgery, your doctor will prescribe some
    physical tests to determine if you have a hernia.
    It is important to inform your doctor if you
    smoke, are taking any medicines, have any medical
    history, or are taking blood thinners.
  • Your doctor can suggest any one of these two
    procedures to fix a hernia Open Surgery or
    Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery (keyhole
    surgery). Laparoscopic hernia surgery is the most
    recommended surgical procedure, with less pain
    and a faster recovery. The possibility of hernia
    recurrence is similar to these two surgical
  • In a herniorrhaphy procedure, your doctor will
    give a local or general anesthetic based on the
    type of surgical procedure they choose to fix the

  • Once the anesthesia takes effect, your doctor
    will make an incision parallel to the line of the
    inguinal ligament to access the hernia sac. Then
    the surgeon will place the organ back in its
    original place and suture the abdominal wall.
  • If the area of the weak spot is large, your
    surgeon may use the mesh to strengthen the
    muscles or tissue. At last, the surgeon will
    close the incision and apply the dressing.
  • Many people usually get discharged from the
    hospital the same day after the hernia surgery.
    However, your doctor will advise you to take
    complete rest for about two weeks and youll be
    asked to arrange for a friend or a family member
    to drive you home safely after surgery.

What are the different types of hernias that can
be treated with herniorrhaphy?
  • Herniorrhaphy can treat various types of hernias,
    including inguinal (inner groin), femoral (outer
    groin), umbilical (belly button), and incisional
    (resulting from an incision) hernias. The surgery
    involves returning the herniated tissue to its
    proper place and repairing the weakened abdominal

Recovery Time
  • Recovery after hernia repair surgery
    (herniorrhaphy) takes about three weeks. Your
    doctor will give you detailed instructions to
    follow for a faster recovery. You can walk or
    carry out light activities and you can have
    sexual intercourse after your recovery time.
  • You should completely avoid strenuous activities
    at least for six weeks after hernia surgery. To
    reduce the risk of hernia recurrence, you should
    avoid lifting any weight greater than a gallon of
    milk for about six weeks.
  • After your surgery, you may identify some
    swelling close to the incisional site, which is
    common. It will reduce with time as you heal. To
    reduce pain and swelling, follow your doctors

  • Consult your PCP if
  • you notice bleeding through the dressing
  • you have a fever
  • the incision site gets red and warm

Cost of Herniorrhaphy
  • We at Southlake General Surgery, Texas, aim to
    make the process simple and easier for our
    patients and we work with multiple insurance
    providers on behalf of our patients. We help our
    patients or clients find out more information
    about their insurance plans and benefits and work
    with them to find affordable payment plans for
    their account balances.
  • Lets explore more Herniorrhaphy Procedure and
    Recovery - Southlake General Surgery

  • For more information on Herniorrhaphy and Laparosc
    opic hernia surgery. You can contact our
    healthcare expert today at 1(817) 748-0200. You
    can also make an online appointment with us.

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Valeria Simone
MD Board-certified General Surgeon at Southlake
General Surgery, Texas, USA. Follow us
on Facebook and YouTube. Source Herniorrhaphy
Procedure and Recovery - Southlake General Surgery
1545 E. Southlake Blvd, Suite 270 Southlake, TX
EMAIL info_at_southlakegeneralsurgery.com
VISIT US AT www.southlakegeneralsurgery.com
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