Title: High-Performance Distributed System & Cloud Storage Architecture
1High-Performance Distributed System Cloud
Storage Architecture
- Cloud storage is becoming more and more popular
with the rate at which data is expanding these
days. Archive data, which is the type of data
that is expanding the fastest, is perfect for
cloud storage for a variety of reasons.
2Cloud Storage Architecture and Its Reliability
and Security
Cloud Storage is a readily available object
repository with easily accessible and equipped
with strong security and sharing features.
Utilizing this service allows data to be accessed
and stored on UbiBot Cloud infrastructure. When
creating a dependable IoT system, devices, cloud
services, and their interactions all need to be
carefully examined.
3Working with Leading Cloud Providers
The storage servers for the UbiBot public
platform are housed in the data centers of
OVHcloud, the largest hosting provider in Europe,
and DigitalOcean, the fastest-growing and
second-fastest cloud computing platform in the
world in terms of the quantity of public-facing
apps and websites. Because reputable cloud
providers prioritize uptime and reliability,
working with them helps us reduce the risk of
4Strong RD Team
- The main RD members of the UbiBot team are
numerous IT PhDs and master's degree holders from
Imperial College London, University of London,
and University of Edinburgh. We also interact and
work together with professor teams at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the
University of Edinburgh, the University of
Manchester, and the Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology. This enables us to
collaborate with industry researchers and gain
access to permanent RD technical expertise.
5Highest Level of Data Durability and Data
Availability Architecture
UbiBot has been creating hardware and software
solutions ever since, concentrating on data
performance and storage. A scalable,
high-performance distributed system architecture
has been designed to attain the highest levels of
durability and dependability in data storage.
UbiBot has continuously improved its software and
hardware technologies, with a strong emphasis on
data storage and performance. A scalable,
high-performance distributed system architecture
has been designed to attain the highest levels of
durability and dependability in data storage.
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