Title: Step by step launching cashback website
2Setup a Domain Hosting
Choose the coupon website CMS platform
Publish the Coupon Deals on your coupon website
Create a publisher account with networks and
Convert all links to affiliate deep links.
Setup Coupon Website Marketing Approaches
3Having a coupon in the domain name sometimes
makes it easy to remember and helps in SEO as
well. There are many companies that provide
domain registration viz. GoDaddy, bigrock, 1and1,
Namecheap are reputed among many. Once the
domain is registered, purchase the hosting space
from any leading web hosting provider viz.
Bluehost, Hostgator, InMotion, Siteground, etc.
4There are many options you can choose to start
with, popular ones are WordPress (Recommended)
PHP Script (Custom or ReadyMade) Ruby ( on
Rails) JS Framework (Ex Angular ) A couple of
best coupon themes compatible with WordPress are
CouponORB, Couponer, Comre, Clipper, Couponize,
Premium Press, etc.
5You can find coupons deals from various
sources, such as affiliate networks, merchants,
newsletters, social media, etc. Alternatively,
you may subscribe to an automated coupon data
feed API to get all your merchant category
masters published using API. Coupon API enables
publishing coupons offers data automatically on
your website. There are 800 merchants with
26000 coupons you get on subscription.
6There are mainly two types of associations with
merchants Affiliate partners with direct stores,
such as Amazon.in Associate Affiliate Program,
Flipkart Affiliate Program, Snapdeal Affiliate
Program, etc. Affiliate partners through various
affiliate networks, such as Optimise (OMG),
iCubesWire, Payoom, VCommission, DGM, etc. These
networks first check your website before
approving your application. So, make sure you
have some content available on your website.
7Once, you have got the coupon deals content on
your website and affiliate network direct
merchant affiliate accounts created, you need to
convert all merchants links to affiliate deep
links. These affiliate deep links are required
to track the sale and be eligible to earn
commission from networks.
8Enhance coupon website SEO with strategic keyword
optimization and use Google Analytics for
insights. Utilize Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,
and Google for active social media
engagement. Implement email marketing through
agency services or website subscriptions. Monitor
all metrics and earnings via the dashboard for
effective tracking.
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