Title: Advancement in Interbody Fusion with Expandable Cage
1In the dynamic realm of spinal surgery, the
latest breakthroughs in interbody fusion with
expandable cages are reshaping the landscape,
ushering in a new era of precision and improved
patient outcomes.
Traditional spinal surgeries often faced
limitations in addressing a diverse range of
spinal conditions. However, with the introduction
of expandable cages, a signi?cant stride has
been made towards enhancing surgical techniques.
These innovative cages offer a more adaptable
and personalized approach to interbody
fusion. Why Expandable Cage is Designed? In the
past, interbody spinal fusion cages aimed to
enhance fusion rates, restore lumbar lordosis,
and address intervertebral and foraminal height.
Improved containment of bone graft was an
additional bene?t. Recent advancements in static
interbody fusion cages prioritize applications in
minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques
(MISST), aiming to minimize approach morbidity,
enhance insertion methods, and re?ne sagittal
and coronal alignment control. This evolution
introduced a variety of sizes and shapes for
interbody fusion cages, along with
technological enhancements like biomaterial
components and 3-dimensional printing in
manufacturing processes.
2Despite progress in static cage design,
challenges persisted, particularly subsidence
issues linked to endplate violation during
insertion, impacting clinical outcomes
negatively. To address these concerns, there has
been a shift from static to expandable cage
technology, especially in posterior lumbar
interbody fusion (PLIF) and transforaminal
lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF). The initial
generation of expandable lumbar interbody fusion
cages focused on vertical expansion, facilitating
MISST during insertion and maximizing vertical
height restoration. Subsequent generations
introduced horizontal expansion, enlarging the
cage footprint and covering more of the endplate.
Ongoing developments concentrate on improved
sagittal alignment control and the capacity to
incorporate more substantial bone graft either
around the device or within an internal graft
3Types of Expandable Cages
Expandable cages come in various types, each
designed to address speci?c needs in spinal
surgery. The primary types include Vertically
Expandable Cages These cages focus on vertical
expansion, allowing surgeons to adjust the
height of the cage during insertion. This type is
particularly bene?cial in procedures where
precise height restoration is crucial, such as
in posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) and
transforaminal lumbar interbody spinal fusion
(TLIF). Horizontally Expandable Cages
Horizontally expandable cages offer expansion in
width, providing a larger footprint to cover more
of the endplate. This type aims to enhance
stability and support by distributing the load
more effectively across the implant and adjacent
vertebrae. Combination Expandable Cages Some
expandable cages incorporate both vertical and
horizontal expansion capabilities. These
combination cages offer a comprehensive solution,
addressing the need for height adjustment and
increased coverage simultaneously. Angled
Expandable Cages Angled cages are designed to
accommodate the natural curvature of the spine.
They allow for implantation at speci?c angles,
optimizing the alignment of the cage with the
patients anatomy. This type is often used
in procedures targeting speci?c regions of the
spine. Lordotic Expandable Cages Lordotic cages
are engineered to restore or enhance the natural
lordosis (curvature) of the spine. They are
particularly useful in addressing conditions
where maintaining or correcting spinal curvature
is essential for optimal outcomes. Telescopic
Expandable Cages Telescopic cages are
constructed with nested components that can be
extended like a telescope. This design enables
gradual expansion to the desired size, providing
?exibility and precision during
surgery. Multi-Chamber Expandable Cages
Multi-chamber cages feature internal
compartments that can be ?lled with bone graft
material. This design aims to promote fusion by
facilitating the incorporation of graft material
into the implant, enhancing stability and
promoting long-term success.
4Advancement in Interbody Fusion with Expandable
Embracing Minimally Invasive Precision
Traditional spinal fusion procedures often
involve extensive incisions and tissue
disruption. However, the introduction
of expandable cages enables surgeons to embrace a
minimally invasive approach. Smaller incisions
result in diminished trauma to surrounding
tissues, leading to reduced postoperative pain,
decreased blood loss, and accelerated recovery
times. Tailored to Individual Anatomy A notable
advantage of expandable cages is their capacity
for post-implantation size adjustment. This
feature empowers surgeons to tailor the ?t to
the patients unique anatomy, especially
bene?cial in cases of anatomical variability or
complex spinal conditions. Enhancing Fusion
Support Interbody fusions primary objective is
to foster the fusion of adjacent vertebrae,
ensuring stability and pain alleviation.
Expandable cages, designed for maximum contact
with vertebral endplates, facilitate the fusion
process, enhancing overall success and
contributing to long-term spinal
stability. Restoring Spinal Alignment
Maintaining proper spinal alignment is pivotal
for positive patient outcomes. Expandable cages
not only provide stability but also aid in
restoring normal spinal alignment, potentially
reducing postoperative pain and lowering the
risk of complications associated with
misalignment. Biomechanical Resonance
Advancements in materials and design focus on
creating expandable cages that closely emulate
the biomechanical properties of natural bone.
Factors like modulus of elasticity and
radiolucency aim to minimize stress shielding,
ensuring the implant supports the spine while
allowing for natural movement. Mitigating
Subsidence Risks Subsidence, the sinking of the
implant into the vertebral body, poses a risk to
stability and fusion success. Recent designs of
expandable cages aim to minimize subsidence risks
by providing enhanced structural support and
preventing excessive compression on the vertebral
endplates. Clinical Validation and Future
Perspectives Continual research and clinical
studies assess the outcomes of patients
undergoing interbody spinal fusion with
expandable cages. These studies, exploring pain
relief, functional improvement.
5Expandable Cage by Zealmax Ortho The Expandable
Cage serves as a contemporary solution for
vertebral body reconstruction in surgical
procedures. Following vertebrae removal, the cage
is inserted and expanded, ensuring excellent
?xation into the vertebral endplate and
providing ample space for bone graft
placement. Its speci?cations include a focus on
a minimally invasive approach for easy insertion
and quick positioning, reliable performance with
dimensional accuracy, optimization of anatomical
?t through an anterior cervical approach, e?cient
load distribution between the implant and
vertebrae, continuous expansion to the desired
height, stability in implant height without
additional steps, and availability in Titanium
Material. With lengths ranging from 20-55 mm and
various sizes and shapes, the Expandable Cage is
versatile. Indicated for fusion facilitation,
deformity correction, and spine stabilization
and strengthening, it stands as a comprehensive
solution in modern surgical practices.
6Evolution of Expandable Cage The evolution of
expandable cages in spinal surgery marks a
transformative journey from conventional methods
to cutting-edge precision and adaptability. Tradi
tionally, spinal surgeries faced challenges in
achieving optimal outcomes due to limitations in
addressing individual patient variations. Enter
the era of expandable cages a revolutionary
solution offering unprecedented control and
customization. Precision is the cornerstone of
this evolution. Expandable cages empower surgeons
with the ability to tailor implant sizes
according to the unique anatomical nuances of
each patient. This adaptability ensures a perfect
?t, enhancing stability and signi?cantly
reducing the risk of complications during
interbody fusion. Conclusion Zealmax Ortho, a
leading manufacturer and exporter, specializes in
cutting-edge Expandable Cages for spinal surgery.
Our products emphasize a minimally invasive
approach, ensuring easy insertion and reliable
performance. Crafted from high-quality Titanium,
available in various sizes, our expandable cages
facilitate fusion, correct deformities, and
contribute to spine stabilization, reinforcing
Zealmax Orthos dedication to advancing
orthopedic solutions globally.