Complete Guide to 6 Pack Abs Surgery | Abdominal Etching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Complete Guide to 6 Pack Abs Surgery | Abdominal Etching


Dr. Amit Gupta at Divine Cosmetic Surgery uses liposuction for the abdomen to create more defined and chiseled abdominal muscles along with a strong physique. This is done to ensure that patients can quickly get six-pack abs without exercise. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Complete Guide to 6 Pack Abs Surgery | Abdominal Etching

Instant Six-Pack Creation Without any Workout
  • Instant Six-Pack Creation Without any Workout
  • Are you unhappy with your appearance? Do you want
    to get six-pack abs? Have you tried working hard
    in the gym, but have you still been unable to get
    the six-pack abs that you have constantly been
    dreaming of? If yes, then today we are here to
    tell you that you can get six-pack abs without
    any workout!
  • Yes, it is possible to get instant six-pack
    abs through abdominal etching. Abdominal etching,
    which is also called lipo-sculpture, is a
    surgical procedure where unwanted fat around the
    midsection is strategically liposuction from the
    body. This is done in an attempt to contour and
    showcase the abdominal muscles, which means that
    you get a six-pack body without any workout.
  • Six-pack surgery or abdominal etching is a
    completely safe procedure that can help patients
    get faster and more powerful results quickly. The
    result of this surgery can be very profound,
    which is quite clear from a recent study in which
    abdominal etching patients were polled on how
    happy they were with the results. Almost 98 of
    the patients said that they were completely
    satisfied with the results of the procedure.
  • At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Amit Gupta has
    provided six-pack abs results with a 100 success
    rate to all his patients. If you wish to speak to
    him about getting a six-pack surgery, book your
    consultation with him today!

  • What Is Six-Pack Surgery?
  • Due to several reasons, one might not always be
    able to achieve his or her aesthetic goals
    through exercise and dieting alone. In these
    cases, it can be a good idea for the individual
    to look at plastic surgery as an option.
  • This is specifically true if one has done all he
    or she could to get a six-pack but has been
    unable to achieve it. In that case, the patient
    can opt for a six-pack abs creation at Divine
    Cosmetic Surgery and get 6 pack abs easily and
    without sweating excessively at the gym.
  • Dr. Amit Gupta at Divine Cosmetic Surgery uses
    liposuction for the abdomen to create more
    defined and chiseled abdominal muscles along with
    a strong physique. This is done to ensure that
    patients can quickly get six-pack abs without
  • Other benefits of getting instant six-pack abs at
    Divine Cosmetic Surgery by Dr. Amit Gupta are
  • Get a chiseled and sculpted appearance to boost
    your confidence and live life comfortably.
  • This procedure has minimal downtime, which means
    that patients dont have to worry about missing
    their work and not being able to live a normal
    life. Everything can go as per the patients
    routine as long as he or she practices a few
    precautions for an easy recovery.
  • Dont worry about losing your six-pack abs after
    the surgery, as long as you follow a good diet
    and exercise routine. This is simply because
    during the surgery, all fatty tissues around your
    abdomen are removed. This means that your results
    are permanent as long as you dont accumulate fat
    in your body again.

  • Who Is A Good Candidate?
  • Individuals who are already at a healthy weight
    with a BMI score below 30 are good candidates for
    this surgery. This is because six-pack abs
    surgery is a type of body contouring
    procedure and is not a weight loss solution.
  • Some patients can also opt for other procedures
    along with six-pack abs surgery, like procedures
    for tightening the skin. This is done to make
    sure that the patient has a contoured abdomen.
    The patient must also be a nonsmoker or at least
    be able to forego smoking entirely through this
  • How To Prepare For Six-Pack Abs Surgery?
  • Follow the given steps to prepare for your
    six-pack surgery at Divine Cosmetic Surgery.
  • Avoid Smoking
  • Nicotine is known to constrict blood vessels.
    This can cause a lot of issues during recovery,
    which is why patients should avoid smoking before
    getting surgery.
  • Avoid Alcohol
  • Alcohol is known to inhibit the bodys natural
    blood clotting response. This can lead to
    excessive bleeding during a surgical procedure
    and recovery phase, which is why patients should
    avoid consuming alcohol before getting a six-pack
    surgery done.

  • Avoid Blood Thinning Medications
  • Patients must avoid consuming blood-thinning
    medications like aspirin and ibuprofen. This is
    important because blood thinning medications can
    make it difficult for the body to clot blood,
    which can result in a patient losing excessive
    amounts of blood during surgery.
  • Schedule For Proper Care
  • After the procedure is done, the patient will
    need help with a few tasks. Ideally, the patient
    should also relax to ensure a proper and healthy
    recovery. This is why one must schedule proper
    care before getting the surgery done.
  • How Is The Six Pack Surgery Performed?
  • A plastic surgeon starts performing a six-pack
    surgery by administering anesthesia. Once it has
    taken effect, the doctor will make a couple of
    tiny incisions around the abdomen. These
    incisions are usually small and hidden under the
    natural folds of the skin.
  • After that, the surgeon will begin to remove the
    fat present in and around the abdominal muscles.
    This part must be performed by a skilled plastic
    surgeon only. Once every abdominal muscle is
    sculpted, the doctor will suture the incisions.
    After that, the patient is free to go home the
    same day.

  • What Is The Recovery Procedure Of 6 Pack Abs
    Surgery Like?
  • If a patient has a sedentary job, he or she will
    only need to take a few days off from work. More
    physically demanding jobs should be avoided for a
    longer period of time. Usually, the recovery time
    varies from person to person, but it can last up
    to a few weeks.
  • Once the recovery is done, the patient will see a
    chiseled and sculpted result. Each abdominal
    muscle will look very defined and pronounced. The
    patient will have 6-pack abs.
  • Get Instant Six Pack Abs At Divine Cosmetic
  • At Divine Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Amit Gupta has
    ensured that all patients get the best possible
    plastic surgery procedures done. He goes above
    and beyond to make sure that patients receive
    personalized attention and are able to get the
    final results that they want.
  • Dr. Amit Gupta and his team of medical experts
    have a collective experience of decades and have
    been able to provide 100 successful results to
    all patients. So, what are you waiting for?
  • Contact Divine Cosmetic Surgery today and book
    your first consultation!
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