CHOLAS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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7th grade social studies and History CHOLAS – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: MonaVijaykar


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Rulers of the Indian civilization
Why are the CHOLAS Significant to world history?
The Tang dynasty of China, the Srivijaya Empire
under the Sailendras, and the Abbasid Kalifat at
Baghdad were the Chola Empire's main trading
partners The Chola dynasty played a significant
role in linking the markets of China to the rest
of the world
Chola dynasty (around 1300 to 1500 years) was the
longest ruling dynasty in the world. They were
first to introduce naval warfare. At their peak,
ruled many parts of South Asia and South East
The Chola dynasty, established around 300 BC,
held sway for approximately 1500 years, leaving
an indelible mark from the 9th to the 13th
century. The annals of history, including
Ashokas inscriptions, Paninis Ashtadhyayi,
Katyayanas Vartika, Sangam literature, texts by
Saiva saints, Buddhist texts like Mahavansha, and
numerous inscriptions in Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu,
and Kannada, along with contemporary foreign
accounts, provide authentic insights into the
glorious history of the Cholas......
The Chola kingdom grew to its greatest power
under Rajaraja I and his son Rajendracola Deva I .
Revenue administration, village self-government,
and irrigation were highly organized under the
The Chola govt was one of the most innovative and
unique governments in the world during the
Imperial periodFirst local self government It
was the first dynasty in South Asia to control
the regions of the subcontinent as one entity a
feet that hasnt been duplicated. The Chola
Empire was a time in history when the people were
content and happy and as a result accomplished
much. The Cholas were highly efficient in their
organization and administration All the
decisions were made by the respected authority,
the Velir ministers appointed by the king Field
operations were handled by local chieftains or
Panchayat leaders who reported to the Velirs.
Thus the Cholas built the biggest
Thalassocratic empire in Indian history with a
lasting impact.
The Kaveri River rises in the Western Ghats,
Kodagu district of the state of Karnataka and
flows for about 500 miles before its outfall into
the Bay of Bengal. The river was also
called Ponni (the golden mother, in reference to
the fine silt it deposits).
This river was central to the Prosperity of the
Cholas The Cholas traded in Cotton, Silk,
Metals, Pearls and Spicespepper, ginger,
cinnamon, cardamom turmeric
There was tremendous agrarian expansion during
the rule of the imperial Chola dynasty
(c. 9001270) Canals of the Kaveri River were
constructed . There was an efficient,
well-developed system of water management from
the village level upwards.  increase in royal
patronage devadana and bramadeya lands which
increased the role of the temples and village
assemblies in farming.. Tank committees
(eri-variyam) and garden committees
(totta-variam) Rajendra Chola built a water tank
at Solagangam in his capital city Gangaikonda
Solapuram and was described as the liquid pillar
of victory.
During this period, weavers started to organise
themselves into guilds. Weavers had their own
residential sector in all towns During the Chola
period, silk weaving attained a high degree of
skill and Kanchipuram became one of the main
centres for silk. Farmers occupied one of the
highest positions in society. These were
the Vellalar community, who formed the nobility
or the landed aristocracy of the country and were
an economically powerful group
During the Chola period several guilds,
communities, and castes emerged. The guild was
one of the most significant institutions of south
India and merchants organised themselves into
guilds.  A chief physician, who was paid annually
eighty kalams of paddy, eight kasus, and a grant
of land. 
The Chola military had four elements the
cavalry on horseback, the elephant corps,
several divisions of infantry on foot, and a
navy. The Emperor was the supreme
commander. The Chola navy was the zenith of
ancient Indian sea power. It played a vital role
in the expansion of the empire, including the
conquest of the Sri Lanka islands and naval raids
on Srivijaya Chola admirals commanded much
respect and prestige, and naval commanders also
acted as diplomats in some instances
13th Century BC The earliest evidence of steel
production can be traced back to this time.
Blacksmiths found by accident that iron
became stronger, harder, and more durable when
the carbon found in coal furnaces was added to
iron.. Wootz steel was born in ancient India.
In 6th century BC. craftsmen in southern India
used crucibles to smelt wrought iron with
charcoal to produce wootz steel a material
that is still admired today for its sharp and
tough nature. Chola soldiers used weapons such
as swords, bows, javelins, spears, and steel
The Chola kings were Hindus who worshipped the
god Shiva
Here Shiva with Parvati is shown crowning the
Chola King as if to show the king had the
blessings of the Gods
ENERGY constantly transforms Itself
Laws of ENERGY apply equally to all life
The Coromandel Coast
Gunawan Kartapranata - FileHinduism_Expansion_in_
THE ANGKOR WAT TEMPLE Hinduism has been said to
be present in Cambodia from c. 500 AD through the
trade routes and networks by traders from India
and expansion of Greater India.
The rulers of the Malacca Sultanate claimed to be
descendants of the kings of the Chola
Empire.Chola rule is remembered in Malaysia today
as many princes there have names ending with
Cholan or Chulan, one such being Raja Chulan, the
Raja of Perak.19
TS RAJENDRA Indias first indigenous naval
training ship
Detail of the main Vimanam (Tower) of the Great
Temple at Thanjavur
The most distinctive feature of the Dravidian
style is the vimana, a composite of the garbha
griha (main sanctum) and superstructure or spire
(shikhara) which is a trapezoidal structure,
starting on a square base, and soaring up in a
series of well-articulated stories
Shikhara means a dome-shaped crowning cap is
located above the Vimana, while a Vimana
resembles a stepped pyramid that rises up
geometrically. The towers symbolize power and
connection between the human world on earth and
the abode of gods and goddesses in the high
Detail of the statue of Rajaraja Chola at the
Brihadiswara Temple, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu in
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Gopuram is a formal entrance to the temple
generally from the East There can also be
Gopurams in 4 directions. It is scientifically
understood that these gopurams take the Seismic
Load protecting the temple from Earthquakes.
Srirangam Ranganathaswamy temple is the largest
functioning religious complex in the world and
mentioned in the Sangam literature of the Sangam
era (500 BCE - 300 CE), The temple was first
built by the Chola ruler, Dharmavarma. The Kaveri
river flood destroyed the temple, and later, the
early Cholas King Killivalavan rebuilt the temple
Beyond the ancient textual history,
archaeological evidence such as inscriptions
refer to this temple, and these stone
inscriptions are from late 100 BCE to 100 CE.
Hence, making it one of the oldest surviving
active temple complexes in South India there are
many mandapas which were built around 100 CE to
300 CE by Uraiyur Cholas.
Garbhagriha is the sanctum sanctorum of a temple
where the main deity is placed.
The visual qualities of a Chola-dynasty bronze
sculpture of Shiva Nataraja depended on a number
of factors, particularly the skill and experience
of the artist.
To achieve the perfect anatomical proportions for
the sculpture, Chola artists would have consulted
the shilpa shastras. These texts recommend flora
and fauna and material objects as models for
parts of the human body. For instance, a male
torso must trace the outline of a bulls face
viewed frontally, giving it a narrow waist. A
female torso would emulate the hourglass-shaped
damaru drum and her arms would evoke bamboo
stems. The goal of the shilpa shastras was not
to communicate how to achieve a realistic human
form but the idealized, divine body prized in
Indian art.
Every bronze in a south Indian temple is unique.
Each is created using the lost-wax process, in
which a wax figure is sculpted and covered with
clay and cow dung and allowed to harden in a
furnace. When the clay melts, molten metal
(copper and other metals) is poured into the
hand-fashioned clay mold that is later broken
apart to yield the final work of art. So it is
impossible to recreate the same piece of art.
Ponniyin Selvan 1 2
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