Title: Future Trends in Security Drones for South Africa
1Future Trends in Security Drones for South Africa
2Technology improves everyday in all industries in
the world. South Africa is one of the trending
and highlighted countries in terms of rapid
technology improvements, especially in the
security drones industry. As stated by Mustafa
Masri, who is a visionary founder of Customized
Drones "Every inch in future security drones in
South Africa will be AI and machine learning
feature to cater better insights in many aspects"
Customized Drones Future Trends in Security
Drones for South Africa
3The key highlights of this forthcoming release
include Extended Flight Time Addressing the
common issue of limited flight time, Customized
Drones has introduced a lightweight,
high-capacity battery that empowers the drone to
soar for over 80 minutes continuously. Safety
Parachute In the event of an emergency landing
or hazardous situations, the drone is equipped
with an automatic safety parachute that deploys
as needed to ensure its safety. Mobile App
Control The drone can be effortlessly controlled
through a dedicated mobile app, with AI-driven
functionalities. This innovative mobile app
eliminates the necessity for a dedicated drone
Customized Drones Future Trends in Security
Drones for South Africa
4AI Object Recognition The video feed from the
drone's camera is subjected to analysis through
specialized AI software developed by the
Customized Drones team. This software
facilitates vehicle tracking, speed monitoring,
counting, human recognition, heat mapping, and
facial expression recognition, among a host of
other AI capabilities. Customized Drones
anticipates launching this advanced security
drone in UAE and South Africa by the conclusion
of end 2024. For inquiries or more information
about this latest release, please reach out to
them via email at info_at_c-drones.com.
Customized Drones Future Trends in Security
Drones for South Africa
5Contact Customized Drones for more information
Location Maktoum Road, Golden Business Centre,
Offices 203-204 Dubai UAE Email
info_at_c-drones.com Website https//c-drones.com/z
a/shop/advanced-security-drones-south-africa/ Con
tact 971 4 295 8013