Title: Maraj Electric, Inc. - A Commitment to Exceptional Service
1Maraj Electric, Inc.
Electrical Contractor with Master Electrician
2(No Transcript)
3Maraj Electric, Inc. not only ensures to provide
with all types of electric installations but
ensures that it will provide the best and quality
services to all its customers. They make sure
that the installations are safe and are always
quality driven.
4Maraj Electric, Inc. has had a chance to work
with some of the best clients in the city of New
York and some of the notable clients of Maraj
Electric Inc include NYC Health and hospitals
corporation, nyc department of environmental
protection, NYC homeless services, and NYC
transit Authority (MTA).
5Maraj Electric, Inc. have the best accreditations
so you would know that you are getting your work
done from experienced and certified
professionals. It is one of the top licensed
Electrical Contractor in Queens County which was
launched in 2013 by its founder George Maraj.
6Maraj Electric, Inc. is a New York City based
licensed electrical contractor and George started
this company in order to be able to provide high
quality and extremely safe electrical contracting
services to the heavy industrial and municipal
contracting sector in the city of New York.
7T H A N K Y O U
Find out more at http//www.marajelectric.com