Title: MOH Licensing for Doctors
1Resolveitech Corp
MOH Licensing for Doctors
We provide DHA HAAD MOH PROMETRIC coaching for
healthcare professionals.
Our unique training methodology helps the
aspirants to achieve their goal.
3What is MOH?
It means Ministry of Health.
MOH license permits every medical professional to
work in the medical field in other emirates in
4MOH Licensing for Doctors
We support you to entire procedure for MOH exam
registration after completion of data flow .
MOH exam is conducted for doctors, pharmacist,
dentist, nurse, physiotherapist etc.
5DHA Exam Registration
Online registration process is provided for MOH
prometric professional license.
An applicants certificates and details are
verified which are given by candidates during the
time of application.
6Book Materials and Preparation
Our teaching staffs update the reference books
as per syllabus and also reference books are
available for nursing, pharmacy.
For professionals such as radiographers and
medical lab technicians also process is provided.
Candidates with Two years of experience after
MBBS Degree and Three years experience after post
graduation are eligible.
8For Details
91 96779 44477
91 96005 68087