Title: The Kioko Center
1The Kioko Center
Our passion is helping children with special
needs and the families and caregivers that
support them.
2Always treat its team members with respect and
dignity, while providing the resources needed for
them to be successful personally and
professionally. This enables us to deliver
occupational therapy and speech therapy to the
children we work within a safe and nurturing
environment. The Kioko Center is dedicated to
providing caregivers with resources and training
relevant to their childs diagnosis so that the
children we serve achieve their highest level of
functionality and well-being.
The Kioko Centers Mission and Vision
3Clinical Services
At the Kioko Center our passion is helping
children with special needs and the families and
caregivers that support them. We offer speech
therapy treatment and occupational therapy in
our clinic and online. We provide our patients
with the latest therapeutic interventions to
encourage amazing progress in a fun and
family-oriented atmosphere. Our clinical work
gives the children and young adults we work with
the tools they need to reach their full
4Receptive language refers to our ability to
understand verbal and non-verbal language. In
speech therapy, receptive language refers to the
comprehension of word meanings, concepts, and
gestures. Our childrens ability to understand
receptive language helps build the foundation of
successful communication.
Receptive Language
5Therapy for Social Language
Social communication disorder is common in
children. We provide evaluation, therapy and
treatment for social language disorder contact
Kioko Center to get speech therapy for social
6Ariculation and Phonology
Articulation Phonology therapy evaluation,
therapy and treatment. Contact Kioko Center to
get top quality speech therapy services for
Articulation and Phonology.
7My Contact Information