Title: How To Maintain The Quality Of Your Cooking Oil
1How To Maintain The Quality Of Your Cooking Oil
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3Its not news by now that prices on just about
everything consumers buy has risen since the
pandemic. Go to any grocery or department store,
and youll notice right away that your usual
selections cost more and a lot more, not just a
small increment due to normal inflation. The
same goes for even the most mundane products,
such as cooking oil. But while cooking oil may
seem like the most common, essential, no-frills
kitchen pantry item, its cost and availability
actually have a far-ranging effect. All
restaurants and food service establishments use
it without basic cooking oil, the core staples
of most Americans diets wouldnt be possible to
prepare. Even globally, many cuisines that
prepare hot food couldnt do so without basic
cooking oil.
4 5The prices of oilseeds and vegetable oils saw a
sharp rise in early 2020 as the pandemic made
itself alarmingly apparent. Vegetable oils are
currently still at their highest price since
2010. One of the main reasons is that demand for
it is reviving as the world reopens and tries
to resume business since the pandemic quarantines
have ended. Another reason is post-pandemic labor
shortages. The rising price of crude oil has also
contributed to the rise in cooking oil prices.
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7Rising Prices
The surge in prices caused by factors related to
the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for
many food service businesses to function.
Compounding is the increased theft of cooking
oil, directly related to its scarcity and value.
Now restaurants also have to worry about what
cooking oil they do have on hand being stolen.
Considering all these factors, the best strategy
for food services right now is to preserve the
quality of their existing cooking oil and take
steps to protect it from theft.
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9So the best way for restaurants to mitigate these
costs is to extend the life of existing cooking
oil to get the most use out of it. Filtering is
the main way to do this. Filtering the oil
removes particles and impurities, which in turn
helps maintain the quality of the oil and the
taste of the food cooked in it. You should filter
your cooking oil often every fourth load of food
is the recommended frequency to get the most out
of your oil.
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11You can filter your oil in two ways, depending on
its specific use
Passive filtering This type of filtering removes
particles by passing the oil through a material
such as stainless steel, paper, fabric, or
carbon. Fabric and carbon are great choices
because they remove particles of all sizes and
can be reused. Active filtering This kind of
filtering uses a chemical filter powder that
removes protein, blood, and other biological
impurities that passive filtering typically
misses. Active filtering should be done when
frying meat and seafood.
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