Title: Luxury Meets Pet-Friendly Bliss at The Lodges on Vashon
1Discover Unmatched Luxury in a Pet-Friendly
2About Us
About The Lodges On Vashon There are places that
feed your soul. That clear your mind. That brings
you back to what is really important. For us,
that place is Vashon Island. Whether youre here
for a quick weekend getaway or an extended
stretch of rest and relaxation, we are here to
make sure you return home that best version of
yourself. Stroll through town, pop into quirky
shops, mingle with colorful locals, and, when a
day of exploring leaves your feet tired, gather
in our communal areas for a shared experience
that mirrors Vashons sense of community or
retreat to your private lodge and cozy up by the
fire with a glass of local wine.
3Hotel PET Friendly
The Lodges on Vashon is a luxury hotel pet
friendly located on Vashon Island. This upscale
retreat offers elegant accommodations, top-notch
amenities, and welcomes pets, ensuring a lavish
and comfortable stay for both you and your
four-legged companions in the scenic beauty of
the Pacific Northwest.
4Contact Us
The Lodges on Vashon
206-641-4717 www.lodgesonvashon.com
5Thank You!