Title: Symptoms of Brain Damage in Newborns
1Symptoms of Brain Damage in Newborns
2- According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), traumatic brain injuries
are one of the leading causes of permanent
disability or even death in infants. If your
child has suffered brain damage, it is important
for you to understand the symptoms. - Some common symptoms of brain damage in infant
31. Physical Appearance
- Sometimes, it is possible to tell if something
is wrong soon after the baby is born just by
looking at their physical appearance. Look out
for signs such as an abnormally large forehead,
distorted facial features, abnormally small head,
stiff neck, difficulty focusing the eyes and neck
stiffness. If any of these signs appear, it is
important to talk to your childs doctor right
42. Issues with Temperament
- Children with brain damage may also exhibit
behavioral problems, including problems with
feeding, fussiness, trouble sleeping while lying
down and excessive crying.
53. Cognitive Problems
- These often become apparent as the child grows
older and misses normal growth stages. The child
may experience difficulties in processing
information, and/or with language, memory,
attention, concentration, communication, and
impulse control. Your child may be diagnosed with
a learning disability or Asperger syndrome,
autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyper
disorder (ADHD), or attention deficit disorder
64. Developmental Delays
- Your child may miss important developmental
milestones, including crawling, pulling
themselves up, walking, eating without
assistance, tying shoes, dressing unaided, and
holding objects with a firm grasp.
7 While these symptoms are helpful in diagnosing
brain damage in an infant, medical professionals
also resort to other diagnostic tools like CT
scan or MRI. If your child suffered a brain
injury as the result of carelessness or
negligence by a doctor, nurse, or another medical
professional, you can contact New York infant
brain injury attorneys to seek legal guidance and