Title: Culturally Inclusive Punjabi Therapy in Langley | Tidal Trauma
1Culturally Inclusive Punjabi Therapy in Langley
Tidal Trauma w w w . t i d a l t r a u m a . c
o m
2About us
We are a team of Punjabi-speaking counsellors in
Langley dedicated to providing culturally
sensitive therapy services to Punjabi
communities. We provides you best counselling or
punjabi therapy langley.
3Our Services
We offer Punjabi therapy services to individuals,
couples, and families. Our therapists are
trained in a variety of therapeutic
modalities. We provide a safe and supportive
environment for our clients.
4Our Specialities
We provide punjabi therapy langley and offer a
range of therapies including Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral
Therapy, and Solution-Focused Therapy to cater
to your needs.
5Meet Our Team
Our team consists of diverse therapists with
unique backgrounds and specialties, all
dedicated to providing high-quality care and
support to our clients.
6Our Approach
We provide a safe and non- judgmental space for
you to share your thoughts and feelings. Our
therapists use evidence- based practices
tailored to your unique needs. We believe in a
holistic approach to healing and wellness.
7Contact us
Tidal Trauma Centre. 202-5780 176A St, Surrey,
BC V3S 4H3 1 604-897-5276 info_at_ tidaltrauma. com
8Thank you